According to the agency, Sheldon Rose created more than a dozen
blank check companies that have no operations and no value other than their registered status to sell stock.
SEC Enforcement: Marijuana Container Company Busted in Stock Scheme
Blank check companies--a risky investment vehicle born in the 1980s--are making a comeback as of late, according to Business Week.
Fisher Scientific veterans launch 'blank check' IPO
But some Measure 50 supporters and TV viewers contend that Reynolds American should be listed as the sole sponsor since the tobacco company is, to date, the sole contributor to Oregonians Against the
Blank Check. Reynolds American has contributed about $1.8 million.
TV stations require change in ad
blank check stock can be purchased in many CompUSA and Office Depot stores.
PC-generated checks: it's almost like printing more money
Writing for the majority, Sandra Day O'Connor asserted, "A state of war is not a
blank check for the President when it comes to the rights of the Nation's citizens."
Audacity and mendacity
It isn't as easy as returning a
blank check to the rightful owner.
Ethics isn't just doing the right thing
In last Spring's highly charged enemy detainee cases, it refused to write the executive branch a
blank check for wartime detention powers.
Deferred sentence: why the Rehnquist Court has done so little damage, so far
"This bill would simply give body shops a
blank check to repair cars with whatever parts they want, no matter the price," said Gerald Zimmerman, NAII senior counsel, who testified at the hearing.
House Commerce Committee assesses aftermarket parts. (State Beat: New Hampshire)
The process works like this: A customer first signs a
blank check and hands it to the cashier.
Certegy expands check services to Price Chopper. (Supplier News)
Opponents have criticized the tax as an unfair penalty for success, a
blank check for spendthrift politicians, and a bloodsucking leech feeding on wage earners and businesses.
The tax we love to hate; good or bad? American or un-American? The federal income tax has provoked intense debate, but it has paid for wars and funded America's rise as a superpower. (times past)
Politicians have given the president a military
blank check. The church, however, can never write a moral
blank check.
Our gravest temptation: politicians have given the president a military blank check. The church, however, cannot write a moral blank check. (Reflections on Sept. 11 and beyond)
report, I'm not willing to give the nursing home industry a
blank check," said Grassley.
Medicare funds must translate to staff
According to The Washingtonian magazine, a
blank check with stock options and a signing bonus drew the 60-year-old Causey to despite counteroffers from the Post, which he joined as a messenger in 1957.
Web jobs not just for kids
The federal government, working through the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA), should be encouraged to make sure that new or amended regulations permit the design flexibility needed and desired to accommodate a variety of resident preferences, without providing the provider community a
blank check that cannot be controlled.
Nursing home design dilemmas: a regulator's view
[4] While waiving a copayment may represent the highest ideals of medical altruism in selected cases, it can also represent a marketing ploy or a source of unjust enrichment for unscrupulous and greedy physicians who use health insurance as a "
blank check" to secure payment for excessive and unnecessary services.
Fraud and abuse: the payer's perspective