References in classic literature
And the First and Foremost, beautifully arrayed, addressed the others in these words:
First and foremost, we need to urge our representatives in Congress to get the stalled H-1C legislation "dusted off" and moving forward.
Creative, one of the foremost producers of portable audio players, has released two new models of its "Nomad Jukebox Zen" player.
TrueArc announced recently that their integrated solution--SharePoint Portal Server and TrueArc's ForeMost Enterprise Version 3--has been tested and is now certified as being compliant with the new Department of Defense (DoD) 5015.2 standard (STD) for electronic recordkeeping systems (ERS).
"First and foremost there must be a recognition that young people under the age of 16 do have a sexuality that they need to express and engage in consensually with each other."
The AccuTrac resin-blending system--introduced by Foremost Machine Builders at Plastics USA in Chicago this month--is said to offer a low-cost solution to smaller batch-blending needs.
America's foremost rogue-genius architect had many passions, and right up there with his adoration of landscape, his lust for women, and his vaunted narcissism was his love of Japan.
But `being ourselves' requires a recognition that we are first and foremost spiritual, not just economic or material, beings.
IN THIS ERA OF AMERICAN SELF-congratulation--for winning the Cold War, establishing American pre-eminence as the world's foremost military and economic power, the "longest peacetime economic expansion" in American history, record levels of employment unaccompanied by high inflation, budget surpluses, reduced crime rates, decreased air and water pollution, the ability of an ever-increasing percentage of Americans to spend an ever-increasing percentage of their savings on an endless variety of non-essential consumer goods, and their pursuit of the bitch-goddess of wealth with abandon and without shame or apology--there is an underlying dirty little secret:
It goes on to describe Hourani's disillusionment with political work and his move to Oxford to become one of the world's foremost interpreters of modern Arab history, a personal and intellectual passage of enormous importance.
Moser is the foremost American master of wood engraving--a close and arduous process that uses the end grain of the wood as the printing surface -- and the first artist since Dor[acute{e}] in 1865 to illustrate the entire Christian Bible.
The Zurich Financial Services Group has revealed that the Insurance Exchanges, managed by its Farmers Group subsidiary, had agreed to acquire Foremost Corporation of America for USD812 million (Euro 848.78 million).
"But there was a gap in our joint product ranges," says Trevor Abraham, managing director of Foremost B SA Machinery.
Foremost among these rights rooted in human dignity, the bishops of Vatican II proclaimed, is the freedom to choose one's religion.
It is, in short, a work of incontestable brilliance that will establish its author as one of the foremost Renaissance scholars of her generation.