
Related to hale: Nathan Hale, hale and hearty


Very friendly, often obnoxiously or disingenuously so. I don't think George is as nice as he seems—he just strikes me as hail-fellow-well-met.

hale and hearty

Healthy. It's true that she was in the hospital a few weeks ago, but she's hale and hearty now.
See also: and, hale, hearty
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

hale and hearty

Cliché healthy. The young infant was hale and hearty. The calf—hale and hearty—ran around the barnyard.
See also: and, hale, hearty


Fig. friendly to everyone; falsely friendly to everyone. (Usually said of males.) Yes, he's friendly, sort of hale-fellow-well-met. He's not a very sincere person. Hail-fellow-well-met—you know the type. What a pain he is. Good old Mr. Hail-fellow-well-met. What a phony!
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

hale and hearty

In robust good health, as in After her long bout with pneumonia, I was glad to see her hale and hearty. This redundant expression, since both hale and hearty here mean "healthy," probably survives owing to its pleasing alliteration. [Mid-1800s]
See also: and, hale, hearty
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.


showing excessive familiarity.
1979 Steven Levenkron The Best Little Girl in the World Harold was accustomed to hail-fellow-well-met salesmen and deferential secretaries and even irate accountants.
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

hale and ˈhearty

(especially of old people) strong and healthy: She was still hale and hearty in her nineties.
See also: and, hale, hearty
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary

hale and hearty

Healthy and vigorous. This term, which dates from the mid-nineteenth century, is redundant, since hale and hearty both mean “healthy.” It survived, no doubt, because of its pleasing alliteration. Thomas Hardy used it in The Dynasts (1903): “We be the King’s men, hale and hearty.”
See also: and, hale, hearty
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
See also:
  • hail fellow well met
  • hail-fellow-well-met
  • hale-fellow-well-met
  • met
  • buddy up with (someone)
  • buddy up with someone
  • buddy up to (someone)
  • buddy up to someone
  • buddy up
  • buddy-buddy
References in periodicals archive
Hale nevertheless moved west in December 1903, using his own money and family loans.
Hales was a graduate of the University of Utah and held a masters degree in business administration from Harvard.
Hale is progressing to the next round of 'America's Got Talent.'
Ambassador Hale, the communique said, reiterated US President Donald Trump's call during his recent speech at the Arab-Islami summit for a vision of peace, security, and prosperity, and unity in conquering extremism and terrorism.
Hale, who was still lashing out, then feigned a loss of consciousness, but recovered and was placed in the back of the vehicle.
"America believes that the Army is the sole institution with the legitimacy and mandate to defend the country and its people," Hale said.
"According to Hale's family, who have been cooperative throughout this investigation, he was planning on turning himself in today.
Hale contracted Miami, Florida-based product management services leader Innovation Direct[TM] to represent the Hale Specialty Phone to potential licensees for a 2 year period.
That kind of interaction is taking place at [the] Frank Hale Center."
Under Secretary Hale will then travel to Tashkent, where he will meet with senior Uzbek government officials and demonstrate American support for Uzbek President Mirziyoyev's reform agenda and encourage deeper bilateral cooperation on issues, including security, education, and trade.
People living in Hale, where properties are on the market for up to PS1m, have described their home as a "rural oasis" and the "jewel" in the crown of Halton.
But proud Hale residents are concerned the planned merge will have an adverse effect on the "cultural character" of their distinct village, described by many as the "jewel of Halton" and a "rural oasis".
Hale, who later moved to Pontypool, Gwent, has been jailed for six and a half years after being found guilty of five counts of indecent activity with a child and one count of indecent assault of a girl under the age of 14 at Bolton Crown Court Police have praised the bravery of the three women for coming forward, years after the abuse took place.
Hale also met Prime Minister Imran Khan at the PM Office.