/ Cleere thow my thoughtes, as thou did'st
gyve the light: / And as thou others freed from purgyng lyre / quenche in my hart, the flames of badd desyre" (9-14).
Henry Constable and the question of Catholic poetics: affective piety and erotic identification in the Spirituall Sonnettes
Yf Corte and Church replye then
gyve them both the Lye
Unrecorded extracts by Sir Walter Ralegh
And once indicted, Hastings himself described how he had promised to go to church and receive communion in the future "to shewe his aledgeance to his majesties proceedings and to
gyve satisfaction to his countrye publiquely".
Honour and politics in early Stuart England: the case of Beaumont v. Hastings
And when diner ys done the Stewardes goo to the Prioure of Tuttburye, and he shall
gyve them yerely xxxs.
'The Testament of the Buck' and the sociology of the text
The subtitle reads " A Treatise how the hye Fader of Heven sendeth Dethe to somon every creature to come and
gyve a counte of theyr lyves in this Worlde.
And he that breakys the firste strocke, Sall
gyve the pypar a pennye.
Hornpipes and disordered dancing in The Late Lancashire Witches: a reel crux?
All and everye persone and persones whatsoever that being whole and mightye in Body and able to labour, havinge not Land or Maister, nor using any lawfull Marchaundize Crafte or Mysterye whereby hee or shee might get his or her Ly-vinge, and can
gyve no reckning how he or shee dothe lawfully get his or her Ly-vinge; & all Fencers Bearewardes Comon Players in Enterludes & Minstrels, not belonging to any Baron of this Realme or towards any other honorable Personage of greater Degree [who] shall wander abroade and have not Lycense of two Justices of the Peace at the leaste, whereof one to be of the Quorum, when and in what Shier they shall happen to wander ...
Setting the stage for revenge: space, performance, and power in early modern revenge tragedy