
Related to access: Microsoft Access

access to (someone or something)

The ability to use or reach something or someone, through any number of means. I won't have access to my work email while I'm away on vacation. No, I don't have direct access to the CEO, but I'll call his assistant.
See also: access
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

*access to someone or something

permission to approach someone or something; the right to use someone or something. (*Typically: get ~; have ~; give someone ~.) Can you get access to a computer?
See also: access
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • access to
  • access to (someone or something)
  • bolo
  • be on the look out
  • be on the lookout
  • on the lookout
  • thank you in advance
  • thanks in advance
  • TIA
  • busman's holiday, a
References in periodicals archive
Figure 1 shows Priority Access Mechanism we developed.
Further chapters discuss existing policies and economics of open access, including the finding of a major 2011 UK study that the cost-benefit ratios of open access publishing are most evident with green and gold open access initiatives.
The result has been a flood of idea sharing, coordination among programs, collaboration among college access efforts, and increased publicity about college access.
It is important that law enforcement officers keep written records regarding any actions taken in this area to show compliance with consular notification and access requirements.
The development and staging of a presentation that introduced students to the edublog and demonstrated how to access the edublog, including how to navigate supporting links to instructional resources and to view sample finished projects.
In 1995, the Institute of Medicine report The Best Intentions: Unintended Pregnancy and the Well-Being of Children and Families (1) focused national attention on unintended pregnancy and provided additional support to Washington State's efforts to expand access to family planning.
This biometric control uses a fingerprint instead of, or in addition to, a password to gain access. This is costly technology, so firms will need to assess the cost and effectiveness, specifically in terms of type of work conducted, sensitivity of information and associated risks.
It follows that wider access to Plan B might lead teens to downplay the consequences of unsafe sex when considering the likelihood that it might lead to an unwanted pregnancy, which could in turn lead to a higher incidence of unsafe sex and STDs.
Such a link provides secure access directly to another LAN.
Louis University who asked to remain anonymous, gaining access to an unsecured Wi-Fi network is as easy as eavesdropping on a spoken conversation.
Some people access their resources through their public libraries by walking in, browsing, and selecting their own resources, perhaps with the assistance of a reader's advisor (Corrigan, 2003).
Existing network access control initiatives require several disparate products from multiple vendors in addition to costly and hard to manage desktop client software.
As knowledge-based organizations, pharmaceutical companies have a constant need to access records in their archives and distribute them to a variety of internal and external agents.
Because the company did not audit data access, no one knew this change was made.
System backup tapes, which are small, portable, and typically stored outside the data center for off-site disaster recovery purposes, may be susceptible to unauthorized access, data theft, misplacement, or corruption.