God helps those who help themselves. From my faith perspective, this is said in error.
Chief of Party Center for Advanced Studies in Agriculture and Food Sciences Dr Ashfaq Chatha said that social mobilization was vital as '
God helps those who help themselves'.
Awareness imperative to control mosquitoes borne diseases: experts
Instead of believing that God will provide, let us believe these two popular sayings: '
God helps those who help themselves' and 'Do your best and God will do the rest.'
Poverty is complex issue
God helps those who help themselves which means that God never helps us when we only keep expectations from Him and do not go for hard work.
God helps those
If this is the example in which
God helps those who help themselves, then two cheers for all his followers.
A kind deity wouldn't allow itself to be seen as source of all hate
God helps those who help themselves. Let us help ourselves.
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Lotlhakane East SDAC youth leader, Ms Lesego Bareki encouraged young people to enroll for the training, get life skills and save lives, adding that, '
God helps those who help themselves.'
First Aid skills critical
God helps those who help themselves," we tell each other, using words not found in the biblical witness.
Many pastors offer bad theology about suffering
I have heard it said that
God helps those who help themselves, but in Britain the state is all too ready to help those who won't help themselves.
Helping those who don't bother; LETTER FROM THE PAST
"The saying is,
God helps those who help themselves," she said.
Bottom line: finding park funding no child's play
"I strongly believe
God helps those who help themselves, too.
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Winning or losing is in the hands of God, but the main thing is for us to try and do our best, as they say
God helps those who help themselves," she said.
Candidate seeking key role for women
As Mrs Miller states "the world is overpopulated" and "
God helps those who help themselves".
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They say
God helps those who help themselves, and Sophie finds her charity mugger friends at Roof And Refuge helped themselves to her dad's 20 grand.
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