The rule culminates a months-long process that included IFA leaders at the forefront of the issue, and it contains a safe
harbor against any potential new joint-employer liability for franchises that participate in the new health care plans.
AHPs: Big Win for Franchising
The contest pitted two of the Japanese fleet carriers that raided Pearl
Harbor against two American fleet carriers some 200 miles away.
Air war over the coral sea
Given the deep-seated resentment many voters
harbor against Clinton and Trump that seems difficult.
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton battle for disgruntled voters
The proposed rules don't create an obligation to place holds on accounts, and firms that do would have safe
harbor against the repercussions of withholding funds, according to FINRA.
FINRA Proposes Rules to Fight Elder Financial Abuse
The distrust that Moros
harbor against the government is deep-seated.
The murmurs of a Moro
Rule 10b-18 under the Exchange Act provides a non-exclusive safe
harbor against allegations of market manipulation under Section 9(a)(2) and Rule 10b-5 for issuer repurchases of securities which are effected in accordance with the four conditions set out in the rule.
Buy it back: the ins and outs of repurchasing company stock
South Carolinians, who saw in Anderson's move an intention to defend the
harbor against a Confederate takeover, interpreted it as a breach of what they understood to be a pledge not to change the status of the forts.
Dividing a nation: the firing on fort Sumter marked the first engagement of the civil war and took place 150 years ago, on April 12, 1861
"The result of the survey is an indication of the pent-up feelings that women
harbor against irresponsible men," a social worker was quoted as saying on the website, reports Reuters.
Whip the unfaithful
Ethnic riots that erupted in the capital of China's Xinjiang region reveal the extent of resentment that the mostly Muslim Uighur people
harbor against the Chinese government's policy toward them.
Japanese editorial excerpts -3-
It was built to defend Dutch
Harbor against Japanese attacks and contains preserved military relics, such as multi-story cement bunkers, large magazines, gun mounts, tunnels and trails.
Attack on America: Dutch Harbor 60 years later: this may come as a surprise, but the nation was attacked twice during WWII. The second time was at the "Pearl Harbor of the North" in the Aleutian Islands. The National Park Service is making sure we all remember with a new visitor's center
It's very difficult under current law to find yourself a safe
harbor against the enforcement of the statutes.
Takings exception