

slang High-quality marijuana that does not contain seeds. A shortening of the Spanish word sinsemilla, meaning "without seed(s)." You only find skunk weed in that part of the country, so it's nice to be back here smoking some good sinse.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


and sense (bud) (sɪnts and ˈsɛnts (bəd))
n. seedless marijuana. (Drugs. From Spanish sinsemilla, “seedless.”) Where’s the sinse I was saving? Tom only gets high on sense bud.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • sinsemilla
  • reg
  • prostie
  • prosties
  • verb
  • verb. sap.
  • verbum
  • verbum sap.
  • skunk-drunk
  • verbum sat (sap.)
References in periodicals archive
I almost think that Grandmother, without ever saying so explicitly, was trying to teach me as she repeated her crazed lament, her sinse taryeong.
("We feel unspeechably thoughtless over it all here in Gizzygazelle Tark's bimboowood so pleasekindly communicake with the original sinse we are only yearning as yet how to burgeon" [FW238.35-239.2].)
Kennedy's story, "Burn Pit at Balad Raises Health Concerns," was the first major news report about an issue she has followed ever sinse.
Sinse leeving skool in 1951 I have been in full time employment with the govermint and have received many awards including un employment benefit and job seekers alowince and was suxsesful.
Examining the possibilities of the phrase, "this is nat language at any sinse of the world" (FW 83.12), Bishop postulates that if "nat language" suggests "not language,"
Burn's "In the Original Sinse" in turn, focuses on Finnegans Wake to examine Joyce's connection of homosexuality with "narcissistic forms of representation," "both in the pleasurable engagement with sensate aspects of language and the 'perverse' transgression of mimesis, itself a form o f mirroring" (201).
I left and forsook Oxford and went from thens to London, wher by the mean of A freed of myn I was plased with mr John Haywood, to be both hiz servant and skoller, for he waz not only very well skylled in Musik, and playeng on the virginals but also such an english poet, as the lyk, for hiz witt and inversion, with the quantitie that tree wrot, waz not az then in England, nor befor hiz tym sinse Chawsers tym.
But if I've [got] me a big bag o' sinse, I don't daily about in the street unnecessarily.
But in fact not only did the psychonanalyst defend the perenniality of the phallic function, but his was an ethics of "the real." When he said "there is no prediscursive reality," he didn't mean there is nothing real at all; he had a keen sinse that there exists in our bodies something prior and irreducible to our imaginary "roles" and symbolic "identities." Far from saying that sex images and identities are unreal social constructions, Lacan taught that sex is le reel itself.
But this sinse of well-being may be a bit premature--especially if any of the compronents of the person's cholesterol are out of balance.