happy shop is a good shop and music keeps us going.
Iron ladies hit low note in radio battle
On the top floor the following businesses are already open and are made up of the Nictus store, Looks Hair Design, Dr Viljoen's consulting rooms, Insight Optometrist; Auas Vet Med, Auas Valley Pharmacy and on the ground floor the Agra branch, Safari Den, Pick 'n Pay, Bank Windhoek, the
Happy Shop, S & A Cellular, Pep Home, La Mareez Ladies Accessories, Silverberry Jewellery and Beauty; Geek Boutique, LPJ Clothing are already operating.
Auas Mall nears completion
Totepool spokesman Paul Petrie said: "The dividend declared is the fifth biggest in the bet's history and although no-one will be picking up that amount there will still be some
happy shop punters throughout the UK today."
Placepot bonanza
Current tenants S&A Cellular, Looks Hair Design,
Happy Shop and Windhoek Sports Medicine Centre consulting rooms, who will continue their business in the upgraded mall, have been relocated to other locations in the mall and are continuing their services to their clients while their shops or offices are upgraded.
Auas Valley construction pains hint at smarter complex
A true Scouser, John arrived with all the assurance of someone who knows the business and how to run a
happy shop. When we win, he is the first to congratulate us.
Betting Shop Manager of The Year 2000: Genuine
happy shop owners made a splash after selling a [euro]500,000 lottery ticket.
Corking Lotto win
Our bosses were fantastic and this was a
happy shop for the eight years I was there.
Happy days at the shop of pictures