

slang To defeat someone soundly or perform at a superior level. It most often refers to video games, where it likely originated as a typo of "own," a slang term with the same meaning. I totally pwned him in "Mario Kart" last night. He told me he pwned the math test, so I don't think it's going to be that tough. Wow, you guys played great today. You were pwning out there!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • drop
  • drop someone
  • dropped
  • knock (the) spots off (someone or something)
  • knock spots off
  • knock spots off somebody/something
  • knock spots off someone/something
  • lick the pants off (someone)
  • flag
  • blimp out
References in periodicals archive
For reactions (I)-(III), there are twelve molecules in the PWN in Figure 3: a, b, c, ab, bc, cc, abc, bcc, abcc, bccb, abccb, and abccba.
Arabic WordNet is identical to the Standard English WordNet (PWN and EWN) in structure.
PWN's Executive Director, Martien den Blanken sees the company launch as a progressive step in making advanced water treatment technologies more widely available: "As a public services organization, it is our primary objective to utilize the best technology available for the good of the community.
Presenters at the workshop included Loren Jones, PWN, Walt Senterfitt, CHAMP, Rona Taylor, NWAC, and Carole Treston, AIDS Alliance for Children, Youth, and Families.
TAKE CONTROL Pwn is slang for 'own', which means 'take control of'.
Singapore, June 22, 2009 - (ACN Newswire) - PWN, the water supply utility for North Holland, has today launched a new international company to make their technology, operational expertise and advanced water treatment solution designs available to fellow water companies all over the world for the provision of pure, clean water.
In a letter to members of Congress, the group said the White House should allow Peter Nathan, president of PWN Exhibicon International of Westport, Conn., to hold his U.S.
26-30: American food companies will be able to showcase their products in Cuba now that PWN Exhibicon International LLC of Westport, Conn., has received approval from the U.S.
The French State has been ordered to pay FF9 million (Euro 1.37 million) to the City of Amsterdam, and FF14.7 million (Euro 2.24 million) to NV PWN Waterleidingbedrijf Noord-Holland.
PWN Waterleidingbedrijf Noord Holland) for modernisation and optimisation of its supply and distribution network.
by Sonia Rastogi, PWN Communications Action Team Coordinator
--Peter Nathan, President and CEO, PWN Exhibicon Int'l (Westport, CT)
26-30 at the Palacio de Convenciones de la Habana (Pabexpo), announced PWN Exhibicon International LLC.
Companies mentioned include HME, MAPX, PWN, SEA, PSA, VANS, ACAT, TAC, PTIX.