
Related to clean: clean PC


1. adjective, slang Not carrying any concealed item or substance that is illicit or forbidden. A: "Check him for a wire, Mickey." B: "He's clean, boss." Police officers performed an exhaustive search of the vehicle for drugs or weapons, but it was clean.
2. adjective, slang Not intoxicated with or addicted to drugs or alcohol. I had a real drinking problem in college, but I've been clean for nearly four years now. I have to stay clean before my parole meeting next week.
3. adjective, slang Not using or testing positive for performance-enhancing drugs. All athletes will have to prove they're clean before they'll be allowed to compete in the tournament.
4. adjective, slang Not involved in or guilty of any crime or wrongdoing. I investigated the company's CEO for any illegal activity, but she's clean, as far as I can tell.
5. adverb, informal Wholly or completely. Wow, he threw the knife clean through the wall! Sorry, I clean forgot we had a meeting this morning.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


1. mod. not using drugs; not involved with drugs. I’ve been clean for more than a month now.
2. mod. sober; not intoxicated with drugs at the moment. (Almost the same as sense 1) Just being clean for a day is an accomplishment.
3. mod. not breaking any law. (Police and underworld.) I’m clean, officer. You can’t charge me with anything.
4. mod. not carrying a weapon. (Police and underworld.) I frisked him. He’s clean.
5. mod. well-dressed. Now there’s a clean dude!
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
  • (as) clean as a hound's tooth
  • (as) clean as a new pin
  • (as) clean as a whistle
  • (one's) conscience is clean
  • (one's) hands are clean
  • a clean bill of health
  • a clean break
  • a clean conscience makes a soft pillow
  • a clean sheet
  • a clean sheet/slate
  • a new broom sweeps clean
  • be (as) clean as a new pin
  • be (as) clean as a whistle
  • be cleaned out
  • clean
  • clean (one's) act up
  • clean (one's) clock
  • clean (one's) plate (up)
  • clean (one's) plow
  • clean (someone or something) out of (something)
  • clean act up
  • clean as a hound's tooth
  • clean as a new pin
  • clean as a whistle
  • clean bill of health
  • clean bill of health, to have a/be given a
  • clean break
  • clean clock
  • clean code
  • clean down
  • clean hands, have
  • clean house
  • clean off
  • clean one’s act up
  • clean out
  • clean out of
  • clean plate
  • clean plow
  • clean sheet
  • clean slate
  • clean slate, have a/start with a
  • clean someone out
  • clean someone's clock
  • clean sweep
  • clean sweep, (make) a
  • clean the floor (up) with (one)
  • clean the floor up with
  • clean up
  • clean up (one's) act
  • clean up act
  • clean up after (someone or something)
  • clean up nice(ly)
  • clean up on (something)
  • clean up on something
  • clean up your act
  • clean-cut
  • cleaned out
  • clean-up operation
  • come clean
  • come clean about (something)
  • come clean about something
  • come clean with (someone)
  • come clean with (someone) about (something)
  • come clean with someone
  • come clean with someone about something
  • come clean, to
  • fresh out of
  • get (one's) clock cleaned
  • get (one's) prescription filled
  • get (one's) prescription refilled
  • get clean away
  • have a clean conscience
  • have a clean conscience about (someone or something)
  • have a clear conscience
  • have clean hands
  • keep (one's) hands clean
  • keep (one's) nose clean
  • keep (one's) slate clean
  • keep a clean sheet
  • keep nose clean
  • keep one’s nose clean
  • keep one's nose clean
  • keep your nose clean
  • make a clean break
  • make a clean break (from/with someone or something)
  • make a clean breast
  • make a clean breast of
  • make a clean breast of (something)
  • make a clean breast of it
  • make a clean breast of something
  • make a clean breast of something, to
  • make a clean sweep
  • Mr Clean
  • Mr. Clean
  • new broom sweeps clean, a
  • New brooms sweep clean
  • pick (something) clean
  • pick something clean
  • poor but clean
  • scrub off
  • show (someone) a clean pair of heels
  • show a clean pair of heels
  • show one's heels
  • show someone or something a clean pair of heels
  • so clean (that) (one) could eat off the floor(s)
  • so clean you could eat off the floor
  • someone's hands are clean
  • squeaky clean
  • start (off) with a clean slate
  • start over with a clean slate
  • start with a clean slate
  • wipe (one's) slate clean
  • wipe slate clean and wipe the slate clean
  • wipe the slate clean
References in periodicals archive
You can't just hire any company to clean your carpets.
When you get your home cleaned by a professional, they are prepared with all of the necessary equipment and cleaning supplies.
The FTTH Cleaning Kit cleans SC, FC, ST and E2000 connectors and cleans the most contaminated ports, 2.5mm CleanClicker push-to-clean tool, for lightly contaminated ports and jumpers, Cassette CleanClicker Wheel cleaner and Clean Wipes 640 Optical Wipes, both for cleaning jumpers.
This low moisture carpet cleaning system both cleans and protects carpet fibres and is approved by all the leading carpet manufacturers.
This enables a cleaner clean even in situations that are difficult or unpopular to clean by hand with conventional methods.
-Use a steam floor cleaner on ( hardwood floors (or even on laminate and tiled floors) for a deep clean.
If you want to sweep the steps clean, start at the top.
About All Clean Pressure Cleaning Service - For over 11 years All Clean Pressure Cleaning Service has been the family-owned Atlanta pressure washing company locals turn to for house washing services.
In addition, any resulting air particles must be controlled or eliminated because the clean room environment must remain clean at all times.
Small sections or lengths of the sewer segment (steps or passes) are cleaned in each pull of the cleaning nozzle.
Forms are prepared to document all cleaning activities: who is responsible for what, what equipment is to be cleaned, what materials are to be used, how is cleaning to be performed, how is cleaned equipment sampled, what are the analytical results, do the results conform to the permissible limits, and how is clean equipment secured, maintained and identified so it is ready for the next operation.
The "green clean" phenomenon is gaining the support of a broad range of local office building owners, from Rudin Management Company to financial services giant, Lehman Brothers.
There's nothing like a cleanser that actually works as advertised, bulldozing through dirt and leaving a surface sparkling clean. But conventional cleaning products can actually leave indoor air polluted with a toxic smog of petrochemical volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and the synthetic fragrances used to mask them.
While we clean the nozzles, the ultrasonic tank is busy cleaning the retainer plate, which should not take more than an hour or two to remove all traces of degraded plastic, eliminating this worry during assembly.