
Related to flash: Flash Player


1. verb, slang To expose one's nudity indecently. There have been reports of a man in Central Park flashing tourists as they walk by.
2. noun, slang The sense of euphoria created by the use of a drug; a rush. The flash from that very first line of cocaine hooked me in an instant. I've been chasing that high ever since.
3. adjective, informal Showy and attention-grabbing; stylish or ostentatious. Primarily heard in UK. He loves to wear fancy suits and drive to work in flash cars. She showed up to the party looking pretty flash.

flash on

1. To abruptly turn on, as of lights. As the man laughed manically, the lights in the haunted house flashed on, and we all ran out, screaming.
2. To illuminate someone or something. I repositioned my lamp so that it flashed on the things I'd dropped behind my bureau.
3. slang To think of or recall something. It took some time, but we finally flashed on a solution to that problem.
See also: flash, on
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


1. n. something suddenly remembered; something suddenly thought of. I had a flash and quickly wrote it down.
2. n. a very short period of time; an instant. (see also in a flash.) I’ll be there in a flash.
3. tv. to display something briefly. You’d better not flash a wad like that around here. You won’t have it long.
4. in. to display one’s private parts briefly. She flashed briefly, providing the show that people came to see, and left the stage.
5. n. a drink of liquor. Here, have a little flash, and let’s chat a little longer.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
  • (as) quick as a flash
  • a flash in the pan
  • flash
  • flash (one) a look
  • flash (one) a smile
  • flash (something) at (someone or something)
  • flash a smile
  • flash across
  • flash across (something)
  • flash around
  • flash at
  • flash back
  • flash forward
  • flash in the pan
  • flash into (one's) mind
  • flash into mind
  • flash into view
  • flash off
  • flash on
  • flash on someone
  • flash on something
  • flash out
  • flash somebody a smile, look, etc.
  • flash the hash
  • flash through (one's) mind
  • flash through mind
  • flash up
  • flash with (an emotion)
  • flash with anger
  • flashback Friday
  • flash-case
  • flash-ken
  • in a flash
  • in a/the flash of an/the eye
  • in/like a flash
  • like a flash
  • quick as a flash
  • quick as a wink
References in periodicals archive
Customized flash dryers that offer variations in configurations and feeding systems are witnessing an upsurge in demand, owing to changing requirements of industrial processes and growing number of food processing industries.
The end of season two saw The Flash travel back in time to the night his mother died and saves her life, altering his timeline and creating a brand new reality called Flashpoint.
"Writing Flash" also provides an in-depth introduction to a fascinating genre, complete with exercises to develop and strengthen your flash-writing techniques.
In Flash! Photography, Writing, & Surprising Illumination, Kate Flint approaches the subject rather differently.
It's worth noting that Apple was that first company to announce the pull out of support for Flash content back in 2010.
Read: (http://www.ibtimes.com/google-publicly-discloses-security-flaw-adobe-flash-microsoft-windows-2439811) Google Publicly Discloses Security Flaw In Adobe Flash
The first sign of Flash's eventual decline came in 2007 with the launch of the iPhone.
The software giant said in a statement: "We will stop updating and distributing the Flash Player at the end of 2020 and encourage content creators to migrate any existing Flash content to these new open formats." Abode revealed that usage had declined as 80% of Chrome users visited a Flash-enabled site in 2014, but this declined to 17% this year.
Though the Flash Player will technically be supported till 2020, combined with denial from browsers, this is the effective death of Flash, finally.
Women who experience hot flashes for years or even decades after their final menstrual period have one burning (!) question: when will they end?
We understand this from the very beginning when we created the Flash series," Albert Wong, General Manager, Alcatel Flash.
Like many Golden Age superheroes, Flash was seen on comic book covers fighting for the Allies in one way or another before America had even entered the war.
How big is the Flash SSD market in India, and how do you see it evolving over the years?
Corsair has unveiled three new USB 3.0 flash drive models Flash Voyager GS, Flash Voyager Mini, and Flash Voyager LS.
Fresh Meadows, NY, July 14, 2013 --(PR.com)-- Soft4boost Ltd, a leading company that provides user-friendly PC software applications, recently announced that it has released Video to Flash which is an easy-to-use program that allows PC users to convert video to Flash format.