Related to Christmas: Christmas Day
a white Christmas
Christmas day when it is or has been snowing. Growing up in south Texas, I could only ever fantasize about having a white Christmas.
See also: Christmas, white
all (one's) Christmases have come at once
Said when one is experiencing a an extraordinary amount of good fortune. Primarily heard in UK. Wait, let me get this straight: the planning permission came through very quickly, the bank approved our second loan application, and the weather is supposed to stay sunny and dry for the next few months? Wow, all our Christmases have come at once! Seeing my beautiful baby girl for the first time, well, it felt like all my Christmases had come at once.
See also: all, Christmas, come, have, once
cancel (one's) Christmas
slang To kill someone. As soon as that guy becomes a liability, I'll get Ray to cancel his Christmas, no problem.
See also: cancel, Christmas
Christmas comes but once a year
A phrase that defends enthusiastic celebrations of Christmas, on the basis that Christmas only happens once a year. I know the amount of gifts is a little excessive, but Christmas comes but once a year, right?
See also: but, Christmas, come, once, year
Christmas disease
Hemophilia (or haemophilia) B, a blood-clotting disorder in which a mutation of the Factor IX gene leads to a deficiency of Factor IX (or Christmas factor), a serine protease of the coagulation system. Both the factor and the disease are named for Stephen Christmas (not the holiday), the first patient discovered to have the condition in 1952. We haven't let our daughter participate in any more physical sports since she was diagnosed with Christmas disease last year.
See also: Christmas, disease
Christmas graduate
A college or university student who discontinues their education after the end of the first term (i.e., around Christmastime). Primarily heard in US, South Africa. While I firmly believe in the importance of continued education, there are always a few Christmas graduates each year for whom college is just not well suited.
See also: Christmas, graduate
Christmas tree bill
In the US Congress, a minor bill that attracts many additional (and often unrelated) amendments attached to it, thus likened to ornaments hung upon a Christmas tree. Primarily heard in US, South Africa. If one really wants to see how corporate interests pervade the political process, one must simply examine the numerous amendments of the so-called Christmas tree bills that crop up each year.
See also: bill, Christmas, tree
Happy Christmas
A standard expression of good wishes said to someone on or shortly before Christmas. Primarily heard in UK, Ireland. A: "Happy Christmas, Tommy!" B: "Thanks, Dad. Happy Christmas to you, too!" We just wanted to come by and wish you a happy Christmas!
See also: Christmas, happy
like turkeys voting for an early Christmas
Said of people who choose or accept a situation that is not in their interest or will be directly harmful to them. Turkeys are often prepared for a Christmas meal. Primarily heard in UK. So now you have people supporting policies that would see their work security and health benefits eliminated. It's like turkeys voting for an early Christmas.
See also: Christmas, early, like, turkey, vote
like turkeys voting for Christmas
Said of people who choose or accept a situation that is not in their interest or will be directly harmful to them. Turkeys are often prepared for a Christmas meal. So now you have people supporting policies that would see their work security and health benefits eliminated. It's like turkeys voting for Christmas.
See also: Christmas, like, turkey, vote
Merry Christmas
A standard expression of good wishes said to someone on or shortly before Christmas. A: "Merry Christmas, Tommy!" B: "Thanks, Dad. Merry Christmas to you, too!" We just wanted to wish you a merry Christmas!
See also: Christmas, merry
merry Christmas and a happy new year
A standard if somewhat formal expression of good wishes said to someone during the winter holiday season. The entire phrase is typically capitalized if said as a standalone salutation. We would like to wish all of our customers a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! Thank you for all of your help, Colin. Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!
See also: and, Christmas, happy, merry, new, year
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
cancel someone's Christmas
Sl. to kill someone; to destroy someone. (Underworld or jocular; the idea is that the dead person will not live until Christmas.) If he keeps bugging me, I'm gonna cancel his Christmas. Willie threatened to cancel Richard's Christmas if Richard didn't pay up.
See also: cancel, Christmas
Christmas comes but once a year.
Prov. Since Christmas only happens once a year, we should treat it as a special time by being good to others or by indulging children. Christmas comes but once a year, so we urge you to give to those less fortunate through this Christmas charity campaign.
See also: but, Christmas, come, once, year
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
like turkeys voting for Christmas
BRITISHIf someone's action or choice is like turkeys voting for Christmas, it will have a very bad result for them. Lawyers supporting non-legal methods of solving disputes are like turkeys voting for Christmas. The idea that drivers would choose to have speed limiters in their cars would be like turkeys voting for Christmas. Note: In Britain and some other countries, people traditionally eat turkey at Christmas.
See also: Christmas, like, turkey, vote
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.
like turkeys voting for Christmas
used to suggest that a particular action or decision is hopelessly self-defeating. informalSee also: Christmas, like, turkey, vote
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
a white ˈChristmas
a Christmas when it snowsSee also: Christmas, white
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
cancel someone’s Christmas
tv. to kill someone; to destroy someone. (Underworld. The dead person will miss Christmas.) If he keeps bugging me, I’m gonna cancel his Christmas.
See also: cancel, Christmas
Christmas tree
n. a drunkard. (From being lit like a Christmas tree.) A well-dressed Christmas tree sat in the corner—lit up, of course.
See also: Christmas, tree
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
Christmas comes but once a year
Take this opportunity to enjoy yourself to the fullest. This seemingly modern cliché actually dates from the sixteenth century, when Thomas Tusser included it as one of his Five Hundreth Pointes of Good Husbandrie (1573): “At Christmas play and make good cheere, for Christmas comes but once a yeere.”
See also: but, Christmas, come, once, year
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer
- a white Christmas
- Happy Christmas
- Christmas comes but once a year
- cancel (one's) Christmas
- cancel Christmas
- cancel someone’s Christmas
- Merry Christmas
- Christmas tree
- stocking-stuffer
- stuffer