Evel Knievel

Evel Knievel

slang A jocular term for someone who engages in dangerous stunts. Evel Knievel was an American daredevil known for performing dangerous motorcycle jumps. Hey, Evel Knievel! If I hear about you jumping over trash cans on your bike again, you'll be grounded for a month!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • a man's got to do what a man's got to do
  • get mixed up with (someone)
  • be mixed up with (someone)
  • be/get mixed up with somebody
  • if one sheep leaps over the ditch, all the rest will follow
  • the female of the species is more deadly than the male
  • female of the species is more deadly than the male
  • do not try this at home
  • Peck's bad boy
  • think before (one) (does something)
References in periodicals archive
Power cuts occupy a certain part of our collective national memory -- filed along with Ted Heath, Evel Knievel and the Bay City Rollers.
The Welsh supergroup bassist will ride alongside more than 60 bikers dressed as legendary 70s stuntman Evel Knievel all day today.
1972 - Evel Knievel, above, breaks 93 bones after clearing 35 cars.
PHILLIP Schofield channels daredevil Evel Knievel as he saddles up for an ad shoot.
Stuntman icon Evel Knievel -- who died in 2007, aged 69 -- attempted more than 75 ramp-to-ramp motorbike jumps his career and was well known for his incredible stunts.
For Travis Pastrana and his family, Evel Knievel served as a model for how to live life: Push yourself to your limits and beyond, back up your talk with action and always follow through on promises, even if there is a good chance they will get you hurt.
With respect to Steve McQueen running the barbed wire in the Great Escape and Evel Knievel soaring over rows of double decker buses, the real expert handler of a bike was Wor Ivan.
The challenge now is, can a 61-year-old man compete with his 26-year-old former self?" Chris retired in 1997 after a 21-year career inspired by legendary stuntman Evel Knievel.
So, thank heavens for Evel Knievel, the all-American stunt man and pain enthusiast, who was prepared to do it for you.
A TEAM of motorcyclists dressed as stunt riding legend Evel Knievel will be arriving in Swansea today.
This is why the polling gap between her and the leader of Her Majesty's Opposition is so wide Evel Knievel would cry off jumping it, claiming he had a verruca and carrying a note from his mum.
STUNTMAN Eddie Braun has jumped the Snake River Canyon in a tribute to his boyhood idol, Evel Knievel.
suspended in the mind like Evel Knievel's Skycycle over the
My sporting prowess - or lack of it - gave Evel Knievel a run for his money in the injury stakes.
The latest grant from the Colorado film commission is to an Academy Award-winning director from Denver who's making a movie about Evel Knievel, showing incentives can help homegrown talent.