a brass farthing

brass farthing

Something that is worth very little, nothing, or next to nothing. Refers to farthings (obsolete British units of currency, worth one-quarter of a penny), formerly made from a copper alloy (brass). Usually used in the negative, and most often in the phrase, "not worth a brass farthing." Primarily heard in UK. I didn't get a brass farthing for all the work I did on that project. This old car isn't worth a brass farthing. If I had a brass farthing for all the times I heard that excuse, I'd be rich by now.
See also: brass, farthing
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

a brass farthing

If you say that someone will not get a brass farthing, you mean that they will not get any money at all. The tragic fact is that most children in lone-parent families will not gain a brass farthing through this Act. Note: You can also say that someone has not paid a brass farthing if they have not paid any money at all. We rented the house together, but so far she hasn't paid a brass farthing towards it.
See also: brass, farthing
Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed.
See also:
  • brass farthing
  • nothing of the kind
  • nothing of the kind/sort
  • nothing of the sort
  • nothing
  • care nothing for
  • care nothing for (someone or something)
  • be worked up about (something)
  • nothing in it for (one)
  • next to nothing
References in classic literature
The man, as a matter of fact, under no circumstances, ever cared a brass farthing for what I or anybody else in his ship thought.
"Pleased and happy as a brass farthing," he added, stopping to shake hands with a handsome gentleman of the bedchamber of colossal proportions.
Jay Mac Yes added: "I'm so glad I haven't given your organisation a brass farthing for five years and I never will again.
You won't pay a brass farthing for your Court of Appeal bid.
Bake Off judge Prue Leith calls for an end to the show's crummy jokes Not a brass farthing Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg is asked during a radio phone-in how much money we owe the EU It's a rock and roll thing - you rock and roll Wildman Ozzy Osbourne talks about his turbulent marriage to long-suffering wife Sharon
If you didn't care, you "didn't give a brass farthing." Or, disdainfully, "I wouldn't give you a ha'penny for that."
"Their attitude throughout was that they were not going to pay Mr Hendricks a brass farthing," said the judge.
Next day, The Sporting Life's headline read "Not a Brass Farthing for winner backers."
This is, we are told, to save money, but in fact it won't save a brass farthing! It merely defers the cost to future generations, while putting extra costs and inconvenience instantly on family members.
Seeing as Max doesn't have a brass farthing to his name, his financial predicament is soon revealed to Tanya, who is so horrified she threatens to leave him - again.
My own business was one of those that lost a few hundred pounds when Mr Michaelson's companies collapsed and to date we have not seen even a brass farthing in dividend.
Given a chance, they wouldn't have paid a brass farthing for the woeful first-half fare.
Not a brass farthing for American Ballet Theatre or, say, Ruth Page in Chicago.
She remarked that I work as hard as most councillors and also work at least 20 to 30 hours per week without receiving a brass farthing. I remember very well when our councillors were not paid but received only expenses.
AS AN independent on-course bookmaker with no shops I have not laid a brass farthing on a horse at Cheltenham yet.