find God

find God

To embrace a certain religion or a spiritual connection. Ted's become a completely different person since he found God.
See also: find, god
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

find God

experience a religious conversion or awakening.
See also: find, god
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
See also:
  • by God
  • T.G.I.F.
  • TGIF
  • wot
  • God knows
  • God knows (that) I've tried
  • God only knows
  • God only knows!
  • God/goodness/Heaven knows
  • (oh) (my) God!
References in classic literature
To become sensible of oneness with the Divine heart before any sense of separation has been felt, this is surely the most beautiful way for the child to find God.
Arrupe once said: 'See with the eyes of Christ, go wherever the need is greatest, serve the faith and promote justice as best you can, and you will find God!'
He did not find God in the strong wind or in the earthquake.
Finding God in all things implies for Lynch that in exploring and encountering the meaning of all things, their intrinsic and indeed secular meaning, we find God and grace in them.
Find God in the unmapped space--Let them chart the sky and
It is written for anyone struggling to find God's intended destiny for their life.
Atheist Fry, 57, shocked Irish TV host Gay Byrne with his response to a question about what he would do if he arrived at the "pearly gates" to find God really did exist.
to Find God: Breaking Free of Idolatry provides a concise look at how 'false gods' can mask the search for the one real God, and describes different types of idols prevalent in our modern times.
We spend a lot of time and effort trying to find God's will but precious little time learning God's desire--for justice, mercy, compassion, and forgiveness ("Stop and ask for direction," August).
Luminously illustrated with ballooning images and fantastic scenes, "I Can Find God" is a powerful journey invitation in verse to a child to begin a successful search for God.
This is even suggested by the book's subtitle, "How John Polkinghorne Found God in Science and Religion." It seems to imply that we find God, rather than that he finds us: "it's the evidence that leads a physicist to believe in the equations, and it's the evidence that leads a person of faith to believe in God" (p.
But you don't have to go to church to find God, in fact you can find God and Jesus Christ in your own home, even in your own life, by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour.
St Paul wrote: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind ..." JB Phillips translates this as: "Don't let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-make you so that your whole attitude of mind is changed ..." Then, we're promised, we'll find God's "good, acceptable and perfect will" made clear to us.
DeMuth, focusing on her own quest to find God in her life.
Chapple hoping to help Christians find God and Jesus and make them more prominent into your life.