'It would, therefore, be wrong if SAIC, aided and abetted by the Chinese government, was able to
cherry-pick the remains of MG Rover Group and effectively get what they want and at the same time stick two fingers up at the thousands of workers who are now concerned about their own and their family's future.
Stop SAIC cherry-picking
ROYAL Mail has warned of a threat to the universal postal service because rivals can "
cherry-pick" easy-to-serve urban areas.
Royal Mail warns of postal service threat
To bully councils and governors into turning their schools into academies so that the private sector can
cherry-pick the best bits.
Save our schools from academy bullies; letters@coventrytelegraph.net Letters letters@coventrytelegraph.net
But why does he then
cherry-pick data to suit his additional but misguided views?
Letter: A warming debate
With regards to the BBC probably cutting back on horseracing coverage, if they're not prepared to support the 'lesser' meetings I don't see why they should be allowed to
cherry-pick the top ones.
No problem--the TV staff will throw open their closet doors so you can
cherry-pick from a huge selection of silks and satins.
TV hotel
It added it would not '
cherry-pick' customers and would give a quote to 99 per cent of motorists who applied.
Personal Finance: Insure your car with the stamp of approval
It added it would not "
cherry-pick" customers and would give a quote to 99% of motorists who applied.
Insurance move at PO
Through a deal with MTV, UPN will be able to
cherry-pick top episodes out of the approximately 60 segs of "Deathmatch" that have been produced.
MTV helps UPN find clay `Match'
Said CCRL's Michael Markwick, a Vancouver lawyer: "The moment you grant the state the power to
cherry-pick among religious beliefs, in the name of `Canadian values,' you cut at the roots of the tolerance and diversity we have come to cherish as a people."
Catholic Civil Rights League
Nass also offers long-time clients a 2-year guarantee that he will not "
cherry-pick" their employment roster during other executive searches.
Executive searchers are looking for a new breed
Newcastle can no longer
cherry-pick their matches in terms of delivering three points.
Managerial pedigree is the only area where United now compare with Man U; red devils' quality stacks the deck in their favour - but toon still have an ace in the dugout
WARNING Merkel says the UK can't
cherry-pick its obligations and privileges
KISS RIGHT OFF, NIGEL; and do it quickly, please analysis
Cllr Nick Small, the council's cabinet member for education and assistant mayor, said: "We're worried that schools could be forced down an academy route, that academy chains from outside of the city who know nothing about Liverpool could come in and
cherry-pick schools.
Now it is coming to light that peers with interests in private healthcare are voting on reforms to rip the NHS apart so their chums can step in and
cherry-pick the more profitable parts of the health service.