Chef D'Oeuvre is best at Haydock where his tendency to jump left isn't as important as on this turning track.
Potters a National treasure; VALUE SCOPE
Shackle's succinct and exemplary introduction to what may prove to be his
chef d'oeuvre is illuminating: entirely free of cerebral jargon, it guides us through Latif's life and times, through the indigenous and Islamic contexts in which his work is embedded and examines the intricate, 'densely expressed' abyat and 'more relaxed' vai the forms in which Laatif expressed himself before addressing the Risalo's thematic and spiritual concerns: 'Instead of reiterating the simpler kind of sufi vision, Shah Latif in his Sindhi poetry creates for his local audience an entirely new way of imagining reality.
The churches were repaired several times, with their walls being chiseled in different decorative methods to restore that beautiful design of antiquity and to become that
chef d'oeuvre in the world of church building in Lebanon.
Zgharta... a city that takes pride in rich Maronite heritage and culture
chef d'oeuvre architectural et technologique est le reflet de la grandeur de la civilisation ancestrale marocaine et de sa famille royale Alaouite dont l'illustre continuateur Sa Majeste le Roi Mohammed VI montre chaque jour sa vision strategique et son amour pour son peuple'', a ecrit le president senegalais dans le livre d'or de cette grandiose Mosquee.
Le President senegalais visite le mausolee Mohammed V
[beaucoup moins que]Le Facteur[beaucoup plus grand que] est aujourd'hui pas seulement un
chef d'oeuvre par la beaute et la simplicite des paroles mais en l'ecrivant voyait-il plus loin ?
"L'amour ne peut plus voyager, il a perdu son messager"
In my humble opinion this is yet another
chef d'oeuvre in the long and illustrious canon of Irish literature.
What is perhaps the
chef d'oeuvre of the series, Untitled (Archive), employs the most generous rule of classification.
At the end of the century Prang produced 116 prints (some involving forty runs) for his
chef d'oeuvre, Walter's Oriental Ceramic Art Catalogue, but he saw the writing on the wall when the photographic half-tone screen appeared, and Prang sold his business in 1898.
Jay T. Last. The Color Explosion: Nineteenth Century American Lithography
Knight's crucial first chapter, which analyzes both Sarrasine and Le
Chef d'oeuvre inconnu, provides an important critical counterweight to Barthes's analysis of Sarrasine as a tragic figure who, obsessed with the Italian singer who embodies his ideal of feminine beauty, is destroyed by the discovery that his model is a castrato.
Knight, Diana. Balzac and the Model of Painting: Artist Stories in "La Comedie humaine
Jellinek describes it as a
chef d'oeuvre of the turner''s art and reminds readers that it is now in Hall''s Croft, home of Shakespeare''s daughter Susanna, the property of Shakespeare Birthplace Trust.
Seat of learning
More speculative is the chapter which proposes Daumier's Pygmalion (1842) as the model for Balzac's Le
Chef d'oeuvre inconnu.
Imagery and Ideology: Fiction and Painting in Nineteenth-Century France
The kitschy Reagan Mask lividly marks the origin of that political spiral which eventually led to Abu Ghraib, and Museum Calendar Vapor points to more perverse aspects of Warhol's flowery
chef d'oeuvre. Krone courts the unfashionable idea of active, Romantic imagination, ultimately taking us beyond mainstream news into paranoid fantasies about what the CIA has on Jody Foster, the truth of Hinckley's "insanity," and Warhol's role in a government-led consumerist conspiracy.
James Krone
Last week I exposed my shoddy education by confessing I did not know what '
chef d'oeuvre' was, a word used by Clwyd West MP David Jones to describe Ann Widdecombe's latest novel.
Was it you Mr Pugh?
In the preparation of his
chef d'oeuvre, Melhorn makes a determined effort to exhaust all possible research possibilities.
"Lest We Be Marshall'd": Judicial Powers and Politics in Ohio, 1806-1812