"The relative scarcity of
fallen angels during the financial crisis was likely attributable to a relatively healthy nonfinancial corporate sector that did not cause the financial crisis and the Federal Reserve's post-financial crisis aggressive monetary policies that stimulated risk appetite for corporate debt and provided liquidity to corporate credit markets," says Kenneth Emery, a Moody's Senior Vice President.
Moody's: No surge in "fallen angels" during financial crisis
In addition, only asking if a person has
fallen in the past year will not identify the specific factors contributing to fall risk for the individual, which might be needed to select effective interventions to help prevent future falls.
Predicting falls in people with multiple sclerosis: fall history is as accurate as more complex measures
"We've had steady decline since 2000," says
Fallen. "It is most evident in American visitations, which are down as much as 30 per cent where visitors cross over at the Pigeon River border crossing."
Lots to see and do north of Lake Superior
They were already identified as at risk for falling by a healthcare provider's referral to the clinic, even if they had not
fallen in the previous three-month time period.
Characteristics of outpatients reporting recurrent falls in a fall prevention clinic
Analyses of toppled stalagmites and other
fallen rock formations in two Israeli caves may provide hints about the rate of ancient earthquakes in the area.
Cave formations yield seismic clues. (Earth Science)
In Berlin he runs his company, Gravity Physical Entertainment, for which he created
fallen, an uneven but richly detailed work that explores issues of vulnerability and frailty.
Curtis Induces a Lovely Vertigo
Overall, the production of industrial materials has
fallen 6.2 percent since August 2000.
Industrial production and capacity utilization for August 2001
Once someone has
fallen, he explains, a powerful post-fall anxiety syndrome often sets in, "which can have a dramatic impact on one's mobility, autonomy, and overall quality of life.
They all fall
Over the past century, the work-time cost of a pair of Levi's jeans has
fallen by nearly seven hours, to three hours and 24 minutes.
Buying time
any of these men he's
fallen for have been heterosexual." Oh, yes,
Jason Priestley: a long way from Beverley Hills
fallen victim of war on barren battlefields finds no help more enlivening than the cup of water.
The Promise of Winter
In fact, Overstall [37] suggested that "it is better to classify those who have
fallen only once during the year as non-fallers and those who have
fallen twice or more as true fallers".
Circumstances and consequences of falls in independent community-dwelling older adults
The latter half of Anxiety in Eden, "Anxiety and the Actuality of Sin," which deals with Milton and Kierkegaard's views in regard to
fallen consciousness, offers a fairly standard orthodox account of what is wrong and degenerative in the
fallen Satan and wrong but reparable in
fallen Eve and Adam.
Anxiety in Eden: A Kierkegaardian Reading of Paradise Lost
Instead, they argued that the differences between the penitents and other working-class women were more of circumstance than of character - these '
fallen women' were not essentially different from other women of the same social origins.
"Not worse than other girls": the convent-based rehabilitation of fallen women in Victorian Britain
By 1990, the city's share of total income had
fallen to 78.3%.
Political power and urban decline