With groups of students at MIT and Yale, he included a signing statement with the quiz: "I understand that this experiment falls under the guidelines of the MIT/Yale honor code." Students not asked to sign cheated the standard amount, but those who signed did not
cheat at all.
The (Honest) Truth about Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone --Especially Ourselves by Dan Ariely
taxes, cheat on the test,
cheat at cards, cheat your friend, cheat
in praise of cheating
Age does not impact the decision to cheat, only how much, while enrollment as a graduate student reduces the likelihood a student decides to
cheat at least once.
It's the students, stupid: how perceptions of student reporting impact cheating
Furthermore, the frequency of cheating in universities has been found to be substantially related to the propensity to
cheat at work (Lawson, 2004).
Predicting cheating behavior: a longitudinal study with Chinese business students
The fact that he has pleaded guilty to theft and
cheat at the roulette table is unusual as these offences are difficult to prove to the standards required for criminal court."
Man admits cheating UK casinos
Whose first and most recent cookbook were both called How To Cheat At Cooking?
In which Bond film does the villain try to cheat at golf?
pub quiz: cheats
Not only were faculty beliefs about the frequency of student cheating at their own institution lower than they should have been (on average faculty believed that 30%-40% of students cheat at least once during their academic career), but 60% of faculty believed that this percentage represented the amount of cheating in higher education at large.
I believe that approximately (%) of students cheat at least once during their academic career at this university.
Faculty attitudes and behaviors concerning student cheating
"A person commits an offence if he a) cheats at gambling, or b) does anything for the purpose of enabling or assisting another person to
cheat at gambling."
Horse Racing: Cheats could still get away with it despite new bill; net prophet
Students are using mobile phones to
cheat at exams.
Football: Q: Is there anything wrong with cheating? A: No. I'm a big fan!
Where other books cover IT project basics, How To
Cheat At It Project Management goes a step further in showing project managers how to make sure an IT project is in line with company strategic objectives, and which will deliver the best results.
How to Cheat at IT Project Management
The specific items read: "Many of my friends
cheat at college" and "Most students
cheat at MSU." The student's enjoyment of college was assigned three phrases: "I find college interesting," "I enjoy reading," and "having intellectual conversations are fun" (Cronbach Alpha of .68).
Test cheating in a rural college: studying the importance of individual and situational factors