I am
in awe of the courage of those people and it was really very brave."
Two killed on M40 when driver with Alzheimer's suddenly stopped his car; Professor Mark Whittow and Shane Stokes died from their injuries after confused Bernard Guile, who was lost, stopped his car
While interacting with US swimmer and atheist Diana Nyad on her show 'Soul to Soul', the talk show Queen asked Nyad if she was not a God person, then why was she still deeply
in awe of the universe like she had told the show's producers, the Independent reported.
Winfrey urges atheists to believe in God if they experience 'awe, wonder'
The Merseyside defenders were also
in awe of the rampaging Drogba, who's surely put a stop to any questions concerning his hunger at Chelsea.
Football: So brave, so cool and so memorable; LAMPS A REAL HERO
The sisters barely respond because they are so
in awe. The GL reporter says "hi" back to her.
The secret life of Miley Cyrus: you know her as the Disney channel's Hannah Montana. Or is it Miley Stewart? Wait a minute. Would the real Miss Cyrus, please, stand up?
And rather than seeing only threats when we witness the blessings received by unorthodox seekers, we should fall on our knees
in awe and gratitude that the Spirit so longs to connect with us that she will seek us out in whatever dark alley we might have strayed.
Don't slam the windows on the Holy Spirit
in awe that feels like true fear, we wonder at the power of storms in places of warm winters.
Twentysomethings have watched their parents' occupational agonies
in awe and wondered: why isn't anyone changing the face of business and how we get things done?
Just doing it: Generation X proves that actions speak louder than words
Food experts and their employers, who have millions of dollars riding on their ability to create designer fats, stand
in awe of the real thing.
Designer fats; companies offer to satisfy fat cravings without wrecking arteries
Flex your strengts People are
in awe of your hardworking ways--but you still see room for improvement.
Astrological spectacular! Looking for a sign of things to come? We went to GL's own Lola Starz for the answers! Read on for every little thing you want to know about boys, buds, school and more. It's the cosmic scoop on your fabulous year ahead ..