
  • (as) clear as a bell
  • (as) sound as a bell
  • (something) doesn't ring a bell (with one)
  • (something) rings a bell (with one)
  • alarm bell
  • alarm bells start ringing
  • alarm bells start to ring
  • answer the bell
  • as clear as a bell
  • ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for (someone or something)
  • be as sound as a bell
  • be there with bells on
  • bear away the bell
  • bear the bell
  • bell out
  • bell the cat
  • bell the cat, who will
  • bell, book, and candle
  • bell, book, and candle things that are miraculous or that signal that
  • bells and whistles
  • born within the sound of Bow bells
  • clear as a bell
  • dumbbell
  • get (one's) bell rung
  • give (one) a bell
  • give her the bells and let her fly
  • give somebody a bell
  • give someone a bell
  • go with bells on
  • Hell’s bells and buckets of blood!
  • hell's bells
  • hell's bells and buckets of blood
  • Hell's bells!
  • knock seven bells out of (one)
  • Ma Bell
  • Mama Bell
  • passing bell
  • pull the other leg (it's got bells on)!
  • Pull the other one(, it's got bells on)!
  • ring (one's) bell
  • ring (one's) bells
  • ring (one's) chimes
  • ring a bell
  • ring someone's bell
  • ring the bell
  • rings a bell, that
  • saved by the bell
  • set alarm bells ringing
  • set off alarm bells
  • sound as a bell
  • the bell tolls for (someone or something)
  • unring a bell
  • warning bells start ringing
  • warning bells start to ring
  • wear the cap and bells
  • who will bell the cat
  • with bells on
  • you can't unring a bell
References in classic literature
So it happened that when Bell ran to Ellis as a young enthusiast and told his experiments, Ellis informed him that Helmholtz had done the same things several years before and done them more completely.
But this fact that an electro-magnet would set a tuning-fork humming was new to Bell and very attractive.
In reality the bell does not exist; it is only a fancy that people have taken into their heads!"
At the same moment the bell sounded deep in the wood, so clear and solemnly that five or six determined to penetrate somewhat further.
All of a sudden, the frenzy of the bell seized upon him; his look became extraordinary; he lay in wait for the great bell as it passed, as a spider lies in wait for a fly, and flung himself abruptly upon it, with might and main.
Sometimes one caught sight, upon a bell tower, of an enormous head and a bundle of disordered limbs swinging furiously at the end of a rope; it was Quasimodo ringing vespers or the Angelus.
Poe's poem of the "Bells" stands incomplete to this day; but it is well enough that it is so, for the public reciter or "reader" who goes around trying to imitate the sounds of the various sorts of bells with his voice would find himself "up a stump" when he got to the church-bell-- as Joseph Addison would say.
She had started with an irrepressible shudder, as if the stroke of the bell had fallen directly on her heart; then, recovering herself, while her attendants were yet in dismay, she took the lead, and paced calmly up the aisle.
Perhaps, with momentary truth of feeling, she thought how much happier had been her fate, if, after years of bliss, the bell were now tolling for her funeral, and she were followed to the grave by the old affection of her earliest lover, long her husband.
Harvey pounded despairingly at the bell, for he feared they might be sunk at any minute, and he jumped at Dan's hail as the crew came back.
Then he took out his little bell and rang it twice.
After some fruitless ringing at the bells, and beating at the iron gates, they drew off a few paces to reconnoitre, and confer upon the course it would be best to take.
'And always so?' inquired the Goblin of the Bell. 'Have you never done us wrong in words?'
I see only a coincidence of occurrences such as happens with all the phenomena of life, and I see that however much and however carefully I observe the hands of the watch, and the valves and wheels of the engine, and the oak, I shall not discover the cause of the bells ringing, the engine moving, or of the winds of spring.
At seven bells the first gong rang; at eight there was breakfast, for such as were not too seasick to eat it.