Related to slung: slung beer
sling (something) at (someone or something)
1. To toss, throw, or heave something in the direction of someone or something else. They popped up from behind the bushes and started slinging snowballs at us. The people in the crowd slung rotten vegetables at the condemned man as he marched through the town square.
2. To give or offer something, especially money, to someone, especially as an incentive to do something. They slung a bunch of money at the famous actor to star in their crappy commercial.
See also: sling
sling hash
1. To serve food at a diner or cheap restaurant. ("Hash," in this sense, refers to a dish or stew of chopped meat and vegetables.) I spent five years slinging hash for 60 hours a week to pay my way through college.
2. To sell hashish. (Hashish, shortened as "hash," is the resin from cannabis plants prepared to be smoked, chewed, or ingested.) I used to sling hash during my college days, but too many of my friends got locked up for it, so I got out of the game.
See also: hash, sling
sling off at (someone)
1. To tease, mock, or ridicule someone. Primarily heard in Australia, New Zealand. Ah, don't take everything so personally, I'm only slinging off at you! It took me a while to get used to the way Sarah's family slings off at each other off all the time.
2. To criticize or upbraid someone in a harsh, insulting, and abusive manner. Primarily heard in Australia, New Zealand. I wish the boss would offer some constructive criticism instead of just slinging off at us when something goes wrong. I'm so glad the neighbours moved. Every night, the wife slung off at her husband, and it was incredibly irritating to listen to.
See also: off, sling
sling out
1. To toss, throw, or heave something out and away from oneself. I love getting up early and strolling to the beach to watch the fishermen sling out their nets in the bay. The soldiers atop the wall began slinging out rocks and any other debris they could find to repel the invaders.
2. To serve some kind of food or drink very hastily or haphazardly. I spent the day slinging out soup and sandwiches at the local homeless shelter. We always have to sling burgers out as fast as possible during the lunch rush in the afternoon.
3. To expel or evict someone or some animal from some location. A new vulture fund has been buying up properties all over the country and slinging the existing tenants out. The security guard slung me out for trying to shoplift.
See also: out, sling
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
sling something out
1. to toss or heave something outward. The fishermen slung their nets out into the water. They slung out their nets.
2. to throw something away. Just sling all that old junk out, if you will. sling out that stuff into the trash!
See also: out, sling
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
sling hash
Serve food in a restaurant, especially a cheap establishment. For example, The only job she could find was slinging hash in the neighborhood diner. This term alludes to the inelegant presentation and nature of the food, in effect, tossing hash before a customer. [Slang; mid-1800s]
See also: hash, sling
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
sling hash (or plates)
serve food in a cafe or diner. North American informalSee also: hash, sling
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
- (someone or something) promises well
- a/the feel of (something)
- (I) wouldn't (do something) if I were you
- (have) got something going (with someone)
- a straw will show which way the wind blows
- accompanied by
- accompanied by (someone or something)
- accompany
- a crack at (someone or something)
- all right