grew its first quarter net profit by 3 percent year-on-year to P1.1 billion on the back of higher sales volume and efficient production amid
cutthroat competition.
Eagle Cement profit up 3% in Jan-March
But a grittier reality lies beneath the glitz and glamour of the K-pop scene --
cutthroat competition, a lack of privacy, online bullying and relentless public pressure to maintain a wholesome image at all times and at any cost.
Star's suicide highlights dark side of the K-pop dream
However, as with other foreign firms,
cutthroat competition is forcing the firm to quit the market.
Warburg Pincus purchases stake in Fortune SG
MSOFT, which makes state-of-the-art medical software, also faced
cutthroat competition for talented developers from other digital companies.
Djilobodji lost out in the
cutthroat competition for places in West London but he is not bitter about his Chelsea experience.
Papy motivated to join by Moyes
Dave Lewis admitted its fightback "won't be smooth" in the face of
cutthroat competition.
Black day for Tesco shares; Store out of red but warning scares investors; CITY DESK
Chan Kim and Renee Maugorgne argues that
cutthroat competition results in nothing but a bloody red ocean of rivals fighting over a shrinking profit pool.
Blue Ocean Strategy
Tesco have also been struggling against
cutthroat competition from discount stores such as Aldi and Lidl.
Tesco set for record PS5bn loss
Updating of knowledge is imperative to meet the new challenges in the education sector, he said adding "there is a
cutthroat competition at the worldover and the survival is only for the fittest".
HEC holds seminar on attesting credentials of Pakistani institutions
"There is a
cutthroat competition at the worldover and the survival is only for the fittest," he added He said the current system would become obsolete and irrelevant if the people at the helm of affairs did not embrace themselves with the latest knowledge.
HEC holds seminar on attesting credentials of Pakistani institutes
Living in the age of
cutthroat competition, it's important to follow what you preach.
ROYAL OYALO Mail have warned daily deliveries are under threat because of
cutthroat competition. The postal giants, who have seen their profits slump by PS74million, say allowing rivals to cherry-pick lucrative business contracts could mean their six-day-a-week service is no longer viable.
Royal Mail warn daily deliveries are at risk; Fears after profits slump
While the operators of some of these companies have started trying their hand at related businesses, others want to wind up their activities in the face of
cutthroat competition in a market where several players are vying for space.
'Survival of the fittest' in construction sector
And so as a result our sales force needs to change, and the days of
cutthroat competition need to be replaced, and is being replaced, by dedicated sales resources that are solely and maniacally focused on their particular clients and helping their particular clients succeed."
Liveramp: acxiom's $310m silverjullet