He can be taught to
empathize with Toms ignorance of his own fear of the dark, and taught to behave differently when someone does something that accidentally upsets him.
GOOD OR BAD TO THE BONE? How Human Genetics Affect Empathy
What is empathy and how do you develop the ability to
empathize with other people?
The science of violence: As the toll of teen violence grows, scientists search for reasons why. (Life Science: Teen Health * The Brain * Hormones)
Although the book is a parable with significant religious symbolism woven through its pages, one can easily
empathize with his responses and gain a greater understanding of the human spirit.
Literature and nursing: why reading makes for a more complete long-term care nurse
(19) The first challenge is to be an empathetic individual; it is difficult over a duration of time to continually be a true listener and
empathize with the other individual.
Servant leadership. (Servant Leadership)
The psychologists also asked a series of situational questions designed to assess the volunteers' communication and listening skills, as well as their ability to solve problems and
empathize. To qualify, volunteers had to be approved by a psychologist and ranked highly by their colleagues.
Using peer supporters to help address law enforcement stress
empathize with several of the situations because I've worked in both public accounting and private industry.
Strategic Cost Analysis: the Evolution from Management to Strategic Accounting
Washington, Oct 17 ( ANI ): A new study has revealed that as sanctuary-kept chimpanzees grow from infant to juvenile, they develop increased susceptibility to human yawn contagion, possibility due to their increasing ability to
Human yawning becomes contagious for chimps with age
We certainly do
empathize with the struggles you and your wife have experienced, but this does not justify ignorance of Catholic teaching which has been available for decades.
"The moral status of in vitro fertilization (IVF): Biology & method," (C.I. Jan/Feb. 2003, p. 24; viewed online at http://catholicinsight.com/online/church/ vatican/article_475.shtml)
Readers will ponder the nature of gifts and curses, and
empathize with Orrec as he struggles to make his way in this strange, vaguely medieval world.
Le Guin, Ursula K. Gifts
Buffer didn't merely
empathize with the alienated, dominated, and oppressed.
The parables of Octavia Butler: a science-fiction writer's rich libertarian legacy
I can
empathize with William Norman Grigg's concerns in "Casting Aside Justice" (August 8 issue) about presidents giving themselves unlimited power to designate an "enemy combatant" as such and deny these individuals constitutional safeguards.
Enemy combatants
They don't evolve, and we don't
empathize with them, making it difficult to really know them and in turn to care about them.
The Accidental Hunter
As well, Charles Warren, CDC'S lead scientist on the survey, who stressed that first, specific gender programmes must be developed that
empathize the serious health consequences of tobacco use, including poor reproductive health, and "second, the widespread use of other tobacco products in addition to cigarettes in many countries means that tobacco control programs must be broad in scope."
WHO says tobacco deaths understated
The reader will
empathize with Suzie, who feels as if she is trapped inside a box and is desperately trying to make sense of her world.
Shaw, Susan Black-Eyed Suzie
Although they dominated the scene a century ago, Peter Behrens and contemporaries such as Olbrich and van de Velde seem so remote to us now that it is hard to imagine, let alone
empathize with, the excitement of their work when new, or to credit them with the intellectual profundity they felt they had achieved.