beer muscles

beer muscles

An inflated notion of one's strength, ego, or bravado due to excess consumption of alcohol (not necessarily beer). When he drinks, Jeff always gets beer muscles and wants to fight every guy in the bar. I tend to get beer muscles when I drink too much, and I find myself trying some new outrageous physical feat to show off to my friends.
See also: beer, muscle
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • muscle
  • flex
  • flex (one's) muscle(s)
  • flex muscles
  • flex one's muscles
  • flex your muscles
  • swallow (one's) pride
  • swallow one's pride
  • swallow pride
  • swallow your pride
References in periodicals archive
When a commenter asked what happened, she replied, "I had beer muscles with a side of fireball."
Coast Guard officials also report that in the past two years, only 13 fishermen have had to be subdued, handcuffed, or arrested, either for verbal or physical assaults on boarding officers ("mostly when they flex beer muscles," says one boarding officer).