
Related to beer: bear

beer (one)

slang To serve one a beer. Often used as an imperative. A: "You want a drink, Pat?" B: "Yeah, beer me, Tom!"
See also: beer
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


1. in. to drink beer. Fred and Tom sat in there watching the game and beering and belching like two old whales.
2. tv. to get oneself drunk on beer. I beered myself, but good.
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
  • (all) beer and skittles
  • be (not) all beer and skittles
  • beer
  • beer (one)
  • beer and skittles
  • beer and skittles, (life is) not all
  • beer belly
  • beer blast
  • beer bong
  • beer bust
  • beer goggles
  • beer gut
  • beer me
  • beer muscles
  • beer up
  • champagne taste and a beer pocketbook
  • champagne taste and a beer wallet
  • champagne taste on a beer budget
  • cry in (one's) beer
  • cry in beer
  • cry into (one's) beer
  • cry into your beer
  • egg in (one's) beer
  • egg in your beer
  • egg in your beer, what do you want?
  • ginger beer
  • hammer a beer
  • hammer some beers
  • hold my beer
  • I've seen better heads on nickel beers
  • life isn't all beer and skittles
  • near beer
  • near-beer
  • not be all beer and skittles
  • pound a beer
  • pound beer
  • pound some beers
  • queer beer
  • queer-beer
  • slam (someone or something)
  • slam a beer
  • slam beer
  • slam some beers
  • sling beer
  • small beer
  • small beer/small potatoes
References in classic literature
His persistent demands would have ended, at Dan's instigation, in a regimental belting which in all probability would have killed him and cut off the supply of beer, had not he been sent on special duty some fifty miles away from the Cantonment to cool his heels in a mud fort and dismount obsolete artillery.
A few of the younger men mourned for Mulcahy's beer, because the campaign was to be conducted on strict temperance principles, but as Dan and Horse Egan said sternly, "We've got the beer-man with us.
I never did you harm, and - and I stood you as much beer as I could.
But I doubt I wud have bekaze of the fun he gave us - let alone the beer. Hike up his legs, Horse, and we'll bring him in.
"I'm powerful dhry, and this reminds me there'll be no more beer at all."
"Go in, then, Grimaud," said Musqueton, handing him the beer pot and gimlet.
So, in the brewery itself - by which I mean the large paved lofty place in which they used to make the beer, and where the brewing utensils still were.
Nothing less than the frosty light of the cheerful sky, the sight of people passing beyond the bars of the court-yard gate, and the reviving influence of the rest of the bread and meat and beer, would have brought me round.
You get plenty of good beer here, and that's enough for you; and drinking isn't fine or manly, whatever some of you may think of it.
To-night is singing night, and there's been lots of noise and no harm done--nothing but beer drunk, and nobody the worse for it, though some of them do look hot and excited.
Fruit Beer Market Global Research Report by Flavors (peach, raspberry, cherry, apricot, apple), Distribution Channel (store based and non-store based), Region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and Rest of the World) - Forecast till 2023
"GFLBeer Week will bring local breweries and neighbors together," says Lisa Siegel co-owner of Tarpon River Brewing, Riverside Market, Riverside Market South, Riverside Market Plantation, and Craft Beer Cartel.
"The Beer Tasting Festival will be an opportunity for you to try beers that you never tried before," say organisers.
BEIRUT: The third edition of the Beirut International Beer Event has high hopes for this year, aiming to bring together local and international craft beer to encourage more Lebanese brewers to enter the market.