Yet for all of its importance, Everson is not as well known as high court cases over school prayer, displays of
religious symbols or legal abortion.
Everson at 60: six decades ago, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down the most important church-state decision you never heard of--and kicked off the culture wars that reverberate today
In the wake of that election we've seen an avalanche of literature purporting to explain the revival of the
religious right and its implications for the country.
Wonder-working power: the roots and the reach of the religious right
"People who identify strongly with their faith have more access to activities through their church, synagogue or temple to engage in volunteer and fundraising activities, than individuals who aren't
religious," says Professor Berger, author of the study.
Religion and charity go together
population attends
religious services on any regular basis, we can infer that many of those who don't attend services harbor a certain ambivalence to Christian doctrine.
Identity politics: humanists and cultural Christians: in keeping with the policy of the Humanist to accommodate the diverse cultural, political, and philosophical viewpoints of its readers, this occasional feature allows for the expression of alternative or opposing views on issues of importance to Humanists
"Loyalty to the truth and devotion to the good of the nation," the author grandiloquently announces, have prompted this expose, the inside story of a "cultural counterrevolution" that has commanded millions from right-wing foundations, won the allegiance of the conservative
religious community, and gained the attention of popes, powerful evangelical ministers, presidential speechwriters, Supreme Court justices, and politicians alike.
Unto the Father: Fr. Richard Neuhaus may have midwifed the religious right--but that doesn't mean Karl Rove always returns his phone calls
Political commentator and former Republican strategist Kevin Phillips sees the precipitous rise of
religious influence in American politics as something of an apocalyptic event, signaling the demise or at least rapid decline of America's political and economic power.
Separation anxiety: how intertwined should religion and politics be in America? Authors of new books are voting on the issue
FETZER AND SOPER OFFER A CAREFUL and incisive analysis of variations in the British, German and French state responses to Muslims'
religious demands in three important areas of public policy: the accommodation of
religious practices and teaching in public schools, the provision of state funding for Islamic schools, and the regulation of mosque building.
Joel S. Fetzer and J. Christopher Soper. Muslims and the State in Britain, France, and Germany
Because of this restriction, "fundamentalism" migrated from a descriptive historical to a pejorative term for an ossified, hostile, and even fanatical way of being
religious. In the last part of the twentieth century, students of world religions appropriated the term to describe aggressively anti-modernist, tradition-preserving movements in many of the world's faiths.
Fundamentalism: a theory
As the antigay right continues to use
religious rhetoric as a political tool to stall equality, Clunn and hundreds of other straight
religious leaders are speaking up for LGBT Americans.
Faith-based equality: what would Jesus do, indeed. Hundreds of straight religious leaders are coming out in support of gay men and lesbians--both in speaking to their congregations and lobbying lawmakers
The Trophy of Baptists: Words to Celebrate
Religious Liberty.
The Trophy of Baptists: Words to Celebrate Religious Liberty
* Conflict occurs if a part of science attempts to further the materialist program, leading to an implicit or explicit attack on a
religious view of the world (Trigg).
Some important questions concerning the relationship between science and religion
This paper considers some key issues relating to the teaching of
religious studies in Higher Education within a religiously divided society.
Studying religion in a divided society
Meditation on and the inclusion of
religious works as literature in some public school curricula are occurring.
Linking spirituality and violence prevention in school counseling
For weeks this winter, a French proposal to forbid most
religious symbols in public schools, including the head scarves and veils worn by many Muslim girls, attracted heavy media attention and led to large street protests.
France's new dress code: a ban on religious symbols in schools shows how differently France and the U.S. think about religion and pluralism
About a year ago, no one knew whether voucher programs could include private
religious schools without running afoul of the First Amendment's establishment clause.
The neutrality principle: the Supreme Court will soon reconsider Washington State's revoking of Joshua Davey's college scholarship after he decided to major in theology. Will its decision render the Blaine amendments, provisions of state constitutions that prohibit aid to religious schools, unconstitutional?