do (something) by (one)
do (something) by (one)
To act, speak, or behave in a way that elicits a particular reaction from or benefits in a certain way another person. Most commonly used with "right," "wrong," or "well" after "do." The best employers ensure they do right by their employees first and foremost. I don't know what I'm supposed to do in this situation, I just don't want to do wrong by you. I need to put aside my work stress and remember that my true goal in life is to do well by you and the kids.
See also: by
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
do by
Behave with respect to, treat, as in John was determined to do well by his children. This idiom was first recorded about 1175.
See also: by
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.
do by
To behave in some manner with respect to someone or something: The children have done well by their attentive parents.
See also: by
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
- do by
- act up
- play to the gallery
- play to the gallery, to
- bang (people's) heads together
- bang people's heads together
- bang your/their/our heads together
- play to the crowd
- be made that way
- be/be born/be made that way