Bio-Rad Laboratories Biotechnology Institute Carolina
Biological Supply Company Connecticut Valley
Biological Supply G-Biosciences Suspended Animations Texas Instruments Virtmac
2008 buyers' guide: classification index
At the end of World War II, the United States was on the cusp of a
biological capability with 500-pound clusters of the Mark 14-pound
biological bomblet and the M47A2 100-pound
biological bomb charged with anthrax.
The evolving role of biological weapons
To determine how commonly trace exposures trigger unanticipated
biological, impacts, Calabrese's team has analyzed databases of
biological responses to potentially toxic chemicals, each throughout a broad range of doses.
Counterintuitive toxicity: increasingly, scientists are finding that they can't predict a poison's low-dose effects
In the event of a chemical or
biological incident, sensors would alert the port, both outdoors and indoors.
Extra protection at seaports
To facilitate progress in environmental genomics, we need to train young investigators in the discipline and support scientific programs that focus on
biological and clinical problems that can most directly be solved by employing these novel conceptual and methodological approaches.
Environmental genomics: an opportunity for the NIEHS
Schneider's timely and engaging book will help all levels of the Air Force understand
biological warfare and the potential threats it poses.
The Gathering Biological Warfare Storm
biological terms, as humans, we are constantly experiencing a certain degree of stress.
Keyboard pedagogy and the future: lessons from human genome research: an interview with Barry B. Bittman, M.D. and Karl T. Bruhn
The device can simultaneously identify up to 10 different
biological warfare agents in a given sample, including smallpox, anthrax, plague, and encephalitis.
Army news service (May 19, 2005): detection device to revolutionize biological warfare
Certain brain chemicals, called neurotransmitters, play an important role in regulating moods and emotions, providing further evidence of a
biological etiology for Major Depressive Disorder.
Etiology of depression in children
Despite this history,
biological agents have not been instruments of choice for terrorism as explosives and guns account for more than 99% of all weapons used by terrorists (Global Center for Traumatology, 2003).
Bioterrorism preparedness: what school counselors need to know
The ATP results will only give indications of whether there is a difference in overall
biological activity.
Microbiological control: search and destroy on a tight budget; papermakers have been battling the wet end's unseen enemies--bacteria and fungi--for years. In addition to tools like the trusted microscope, some new weapons may help as well
The Department of Defense (DOD) announced on 25 April the formation of the Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and
Biological Defense (JPEO-CBD).
DOD establishes Joint PEO for Chemical and Biological Defense. (News)
Instead, the administration focused public attention on the potential threat posed by Iraqi weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) -- nuclear, radiological, chemical, or
biological -- if they were transferred to al-Qaeda or other terrorist networks.
Weapons of mass delusion: President Bush told the world that Saddam's alleged WMDs directly threatened the U.S. but the war is over and no arsenal has yet been found. (Cover Story: Iraq)
To ensure that terrorist groups and their state sponsors are never able to gain access to chemical,
biological, or nuclear weapons, or the means to deliver them via missile, the United States is employing a variety of methods to combat the spread of weapons of mass destruction, including multilateral agreements, diplomacy, arms control, threat reduction assistance, export control and other means where necessary.
Fourth International Conference on Export Controls
Goldstein concludes that
biological differences, often asserted by those who aim to keep women from combat, are in fact relatively minor.
War and Gender: How Gender Shapes the War System and Vice Versa.