I certainly understand your curiosity, but I'm afraid your
bio dad has never been there for you, so he may not deserve the title "real dad." You can try to reach out to him from time to time and see if he ever reaches back.
Dear Carol
Percentage for 2.4 23.6 50.0 24.0 all fathers Father type/ presence and involvement (Pr = 0.011) Cores
bio dad, bio 0.0 29.5 37.7 32.8 dad not involved Cores
bio dad, bio 2.1 21.4 51.5 25.0 dad somewhat involved Cores
bio dad, bio 2.2 20.9 48.5 28.5 dad very involved No cores
bio dad, 2.1 24.2 51.2 22.5 father-figure,
bio dad not involved No cores
bio dad, 3.3 22.4 51.6 22.7 father-figure,
bio dad somewhat involved No cores
bio dad, 3.2 26.2 50.0 20.6 father-figure,
bio dad very involved No cores
bio dad or 2.8 26.9 50.2 20.2 father-figure,
bio dad not involved No cores
bio dad or 2.7 29.6 51.5 16.3 father-figure,
bio dad somewhat involved No cores
bio dad or 2.7 26.8 50.9 19.6 father-figure,
bio dad very involved Fathers play a more important role in raising boys than raising girls.
New fathers' experiences with their own fathers and attitudes toward fathering
"Not the Perverted Couples or Deviant Couples, just the Couples section, where Brad and Jennifer are." More recently, Etheridge and Cypher received a surprisingly warm response to their "Who woulda thunk it?" revelation that the "
bio dad" of their two young children is rock legend David Crosby.
Wedded to equality