feel someone

I feel you

slang I understand, agree with, or can relate to what you're saying. No, I feel you, that's too much money to pay for a concert. I'm OK with skipping it. A: "I'm so sick of all this homework." B: "Ugh, I feel you!"
See also: feel
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

feel someone

tv. to understand someone. Do you feel me? If not, I’ll say it again and again till you do!
See also: feel, someone
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • I feel you
  • I feel that
  • I know what you mean
  • no joke
  • crash the gate
  • know where (one) is coming from
  • know where one is coming from
  • know where someone is coming from
  • be more than (something)
  • be more than glad, ready, etc.
References in periodicals archive
"For the last 24 hours I have been threatened with my own nudes I feel gross, I feel watched, I feel someone has taken something from me that I only wanted one special person to see," the statement read.
The 33-year-old said the man took her to his room to sleep it off, but she woke up at 5am "because I could feel someone next to me pressing their naked body against my back".
"I woke up at 5am because I could feel someone next to me pressing their naked body against my back.
I have only visited Israel twice and have an open mind on the situation but feel someone with knowledge, such as he, has to speak up.
"I could feel someone else in the room even though I was alone.
Right now I feel someone should refund my train fare.
If you feel someone who has worked tirelessly to help a patient deserves recognition then this is your chance to tell us about them.
Mhairi is on our side and makes me feel someone cares about us.
I stopped at lights and could feel someone pulling up alongside and the guy looking at me.
If I feel someone is good enough then they will go into the squad.
Jolade Mace, spokesperson for the Teesside Solidarity Movement, said: "We're organising this action because we feel someone needs to stand up to these policies and say 'no more'.
As I walked with my case along the aisle looking for my seat number, this smiling young woman said "Would you like me to put your case up in the luggage rack for you?" This kind of act really made me feel someone cared about me after feeling so sad and all alone.
I feel someone is watching me all the time and I don't feel safe.
Let's hope all schools continually review the quality of their staff and, if they feel someone is not making the grade, do something about it for the pupils' sake.
Quite a few teachers, both high school and elementary, feel someone changed their grades after they were in without their approval.