feel pinched

feel pinched

To be or feel constrained by recent financial hardship. We've been feeling pinched since my wife's restaurant closed down. I've had to take on a second job just to make ends meet. Many families are going to feel pinched if this new tax is passed.
See also: feel, pinch
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

feel pinched

 and feel the pinch
Fig. experiencing hardship because of having too little money. The Smiths used to go abroad every year, but now that he's retired, they're really feeling pinched. You're bound to feel the pinch a little when you're a student.
See also: feel, pinch
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • feel the pinch
  • fall on hard times
  • pinched
  • go on the rocks
  • up against the wall
  • life isn't all beer and skittles
  • welfare
  • be on welfare
  • be on relief
  • be on the dole
References in periodicals archive
Compared to neighboring libraries, our tax base is small, with little room for growth, and residents feel pinched by property taxes.
While consumers may be feeling good in a strong economy and willing to pay for your goods and services, they eventually may feel pinched by rising rates and pull back on spending.
But in Wales there is a very clear reason why so many people feel pinched with good reason - pay levels are atrocious.
"For example, despite some signs of an economic recovery, many shoppers continue to feel pinched, and they are taking steps to stretch each paycheck."
If anything, I feel pinched - and not just because the pet lobster is on the loose.
Asia may start to feel pinched, however, from the already deep cuts in the Iranian imports as the supply outlook for some of the alternative grades worsens.
''I would think we will feel pinched right after the construction finishes.''
Despite the growth in orders, these export-oriented machine-tool firms are beginning to feel pinched by the continually rising local currency against the greenback.
They are the natural place to go when people feel pinched, all of those years of "low prices, always" mantras paying off.
"The effects of Hurricane Katrina have caused consumers to feel pinched by rising gas prices that stand at nearly three dollars per gallon throughout the state," said Quinn.
With stock trading also seen certain to be undertaken increasingly off the exchange as a result of rising computerized trading, the TSE will likely feel pinched financially, industry sources said.