
  • (one's) fair share (of something)
  • a fair crack at something
  • a fair crack of the whip
  • a fair deal
  • a fair exchange is no robbery
  • a fair field and no favor
  • a fair field and no favour
  • a fair hearing
  • a fair shake
  • a fair-weather friend
  • all is fair in love and war
  • all's fair in love and war
  • at a (fair) lick
  • be fair
  • be fair game
  • be fair!
  • be set fair
  • bid fair
  • by (one's) own fair hand(s)
  • by fair means or foul
  • faint heart never won fair lady
  • fair and impartial
  • fair and square
  • fair deal
  • fair dinkum
  • fair dos
  • fair do's
  • fair enough
  • fair game
  • fair off
  • fair out
  • fair play
  • fair play (to you)
  • fair play to someone
  • fair sex
  • fair sex, the
  • fair shake
  • fair shake, a
  • fair to middlin'
  • fair to middling
  • fair up
  • fair-haired boy
  • fair's fair
  • fair-weather
  • fair-weather fan
  • fair-weather friend
  • for fair
  • get a fair shake
  • give (one) a fair crack of the whip
  • give (one) a fair shake
  • have had more than (one's) fair share of (something)
  • he who gives fair words feeds you with an empty spoon
  • hoist your sail when the wind is fair
  • it's a fair cop
  • it's/that's a fair cop
  • make (something) by (one's) own fair hand(s)
  • make (something) with (one's) own fair hand(s)
  • make fair weather
  • make, etc. something by/with your own fair hand
  • Monday's child is fair of face
  • no fair
  • No fair!
  • none but the brave deserve the fair
  • one's fair share
  • play fair
  • play fair/straight
  • play straight
  • the fair(er) sex
  • to be fair (to someone or something)
  • turn the tables, to
  • turnabout is fair play
  • with (one's) own fair hands
  • your blue-eyed boy
  • your fair share of something
References in classic literature
And let there be a fountain, or some fair work of statuas, in the midst of this court; and to be paved as the other court was.
This the fair one perceiving, hastily withdrew her eyes, and levelled them downwards, as if she was concerned for what she had done; though by this means she designed only to draw him from his guard, and indeed to open his eyes, through which she intended to surprize his heart.
A parley now was set on foot between the parties; during which the artful fair so slily and imperceptibly carried on her attack, that she had almost subdued the heart of our heroe before she again repaired to acts of hostility.
Right merry were these Fair days at Nottingham, when the green before the great town gate was dotted with booths standing in rows, with tents of many-colored canvas, hung about with streamers and garlands of flowers, and the folk came from all the countryside, both gentle and common.
So Little John came to the Fair. All scarlet were his hose and jerkin, and scarlet was his cowled cap, with a scarlet feather stuck in the side of it.
Broad are thy shoulders and thick thy head; is not thy lass fair enough for thee to take cudgel in hand for her sake?
It was put an end to by the fair gentleman, in his own pleasant way.
When I was able to look round me, the other traveler--I mean the man with the fair complexion, who carried the knapsack--was nowhere to be seen."
Nay, he said, 'I have a son, a full fair knave, He shall England all have, He shall be king, he shall be sire.'"
Havelok lived with the fisherman, and grew great and fair and strong.
So were they "espoused fair and well" by the Archbishop of York, and Havelok took his bride home to Grimsby.
She had come home from Cleveland, where she was attending college, to spend a day at the Fair. She also had begun to have memories.
He came to Wesley Moy- er's livery barn and stopped in the shadows to listen to a group of men who talked of a race Wesley's stallion, Tony Tip, had won at the Fair during the afternoon.
Eglantine laid the urn before the Queen, and placed the fragrant rose on the dewy moss beside the throne, while a murmur of approval went through the hall, as each elfin wand waved to the little Fairy who had toiled so well and faithful]y, and could bring so fair a gift to their good Queen.
And with busy love toiled the Elves amid the withered leaves, and new strength was given to the flower; while, as day by day the friendless child watered the growing buds, deeper grew her love for the unseen friends who had given her one thing to cherish in her lonely home; sweet, gentle thoughts filled her heart as she bent above it, and the blossom's fragrant breath was to her a whispered voice of all fair and lovely things; and as the flower taught her, so she taught others.