fade into insignificance

fade into insignificance

To begin to seem unimportant when compared to something else. My good grades faded into insignificance once my sister got home with news that she would be the lead in the school play.
See also: fade, insignificance
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • insignificance
  • be as nothing (compared) to (someone or something)
  • be as nothing to
  • compare
  • little old
  • little-old
  • make (something) out of nothing
  • make out of nothing
  • get (one's) panties in a knot
  • get (one's) panties in a twist
References in periodicals archive
Any backlash will fade into insignificance. It's a TV show.
EVERYONE has problems, but they can fade into insignificance when you read about Aberdeen schoolgirl Amy-Lee MacDonald and the challenges she's had to face during her short life so far.
All of his faults, real as they were, fade into insignificance compared with the crippling defects of his successor.
In comparison to alcohol which is legal and freely available and alcohol dependence, the harmful effects of cannabis fade into insignificance. The most personally and socially harmful and most treated of addictive substances (barbiturates, crack, cocaine, heroin, cannabis and prescribed barbiturates or opiates in general) is alcohol.
Over time, they hope that Leila de Lima will not only fade into insignificance, having been silenced and virtually erased from the public eye, but also turn into a ghost haunting the public memory.
These movements of people fleeing into Britain, part of the history books which we learn about in school, rarely touched 5,000 a year and fade into insignificance when we consider the numbers of economic migrants arriving in the UK today.
The room, the celebrities, all fade into insignificance.
Reds skipper Steven Gerrard, who gave the flowers to his counterpart Joey Barton before the kick-off, also knows that all talk of his own heroics must fade into insignificance.
and fauna - a diversity of life that makes even the famed Galapagos Islands fade into insignificance by comparison.
However, such groups will also fade into insignificance if the theocratic oligarchy that fuels their cause becomes disempowered.
Find out more 0905 070 0405 (77p/min) Libra Sept 23 - Oct 23 DIFFICULTIES encountered early in the day will fade into insignificance when you receive some encouraging news later.
But the Hibs defender insists one look at the poverty and misery suffered by the locals near Scotland's Under-21 base in Bulgaria helps make memories of his Hampden heartache fade into insignificance.
To witness his raw courage is something to behold and makes all our daily lesser problems fade into insignificance.
"Although there are Chinese 'intelligence officers', both civilian and military, these fade into insignificance behind the mass of ordinary students, businessmen and locally employed staff who are working (at least part-time) on the orders of various parts of the State intelligence gathering apparatus."
However much we think we are a connected society at present, this will fade into insignificance in a future of 24/7 connection to the internet.