fade away

fade away

To slowly become less noticeable or significant. As the song faded away, the audience leapt to their feet and cheered for an encore. The line for the ride was so long that my excitement had completely faded away by the time we reached the front of it.
See also: away, fade
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

fade away

 (into something)
1. . to diminish into something. The light faded away into nothing. The sound of the drums faded away into the distance.
2. Go to fade out.
See also: away, fade
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs.

fade away

To dissipate or fade slowly and completely: As I got older, my memories faded away.
See also: away, fade
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.
See also:
  • fading
  • make a dent in
  • make a dent in (something)
  • make a dent in something
  • make a dent/hole in something
  • show through
  • shine through
  • not be lost on (someone)
  • into the background
  • kick against (someone or something)
References in periodicals archive
When I asked about "Fade Away" Aichelle explains: "I've known from an young age that l was gifted when it came to music however, fibromialgia got in the way of my music dreams.
Q: Do you believe that (educational technology) could possibly just fade away?
To sit on the side lines and let the area fade away is something I may not feel comfortable doing."
As Shelley wrote after Keats died at twenty-five: "He is secure, and now can never mourn / A heart grown cold, a head grown grey in vain." Or, in the words of Neil Young, quoted memorably by Kurt Cobain in his suicide note: "It's better to burn out than to fade away."
Michael Novak of Urbana, Ill., who has been performing cochlear implants since 1984, is convinced that the trend among the deaf is actually shifting toward therapies that could help the next generation of deaf people use spoken language--and that the appeal of a town for sign-language users might fade away.
Now the dwindling band of brothers who have seen their numbers fall from 26,000 to less than 1,000 have agreed lay down their arms in style rather than just fade away.
auto industry of strategic value or is it just a sunset industry like textiles that should be allowed to fade away? That question reflects a gross underestimation of how much technology is used to build cars and is incorporated into them.
Expenses are cut to maintain margins, causing distribution to decay and fade away. Competitive predators sniff the weakness in the air and circle in to pick off the best of the business.
They are considered the filth, debris--physically and emotionally starved, beggars that many would simply like to see fade away. They've given into the darkness and are left weak, surrendering each day until there is nothing left of their pride and sanity.
Eventually many fade away except for isolated examples.
But female otolaryngologists still face significant challenges, and in many ways, it is still an "old boys' club." Hopefully, as more women enter the field and continue to make significant contributions, gender bias will continue to diminish and ultimately fade away.
In my 30 years in the business, I've seen pre-printed forms (which used to be the bulk of my work) fade away, replaced by plain paper imaged instead by the computer.
a man who had let his political career fade away after realising the Tory Party was too full of nutters is transformed into a new Red Ken.
The letter was kept under wraps in the hope that it would simply fade away.
But it should at least cause a momentary thought that recycling is here to stay even if "booster" purchasing programs fade away.