
Related to campi: Campi Flegrei


An informal plural form of the word "campus," possibly inspired by "cacti" (the plural form of "cactus"). It's homecoming weekend, so there are lots of parties going on around the various colleges' campi.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


n. campuses. (The Latin plural of campus = field.) I’ll see you about the campi. Ciao!
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • a lot
  • a lot of
  • yiz
  • iron in the fire
  • mother of
  • the mother and father of all (something)
  • the mother of all
  • the mother of all (something)
  • the mother of something
  • brownie
References in periodicals archive
The bibliography is weakest on Anglo-American scholarship, omitting references to Wittkower's fleeting but influential treatment of the Campi brothers and Bernardino Campi's new visibility as the master of Sofonisba Anguissola.
The well-known enterprises of Baronio's Annales ecclesiastici (1588-1607), Bolland's Acta sanctorum (started in 1642), the scarcely studied Ughelli's Italia sacra (1644-62), and numerous publications on local churches such as Campi's Dell'historia ecclesiastica di Piacenza (posthumous 1651-62) spring from this effort.
The Vitae written by Campi on Piacentine saints also result from this urge to clean up hagiographical readings.
Campi's Dell'historia ecclesiastica di Piacenza and Ughelli's Italia sacra were the results of an impressive erudition which in turn was the direct result of religious enthusiasm for the local church and collaborative activities with Rome.
Although centered on Campi, archivorum pervestigatore diligentissimo, this book shows the vitality and the importance of early modern Catholicism in the history of western thought.