cross a bridge when you come to it
cross that bridge when (one) comes to it
To address something only when it actually happens or becomes an issue. A: "Should we reach out to our distributors and let them know there may be a problem down the line?" B: "No, let's just cross that bridge when we get there." The job interview is a week away, so I'm not worried about it yet—I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
See also: bridge, come, cross, that
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
cross a ˌbridge when you ˈcome to it
,cross your ˌbridges when you ˈcome to them
deal with a problem only when it happens and not worry about it before then: ‘What will you do if you can’t afford to run your car next year?’ ‘I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.’See also: bridge, come, cross
Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary
- cross a bridge when one comes to it
- cross that bridge when (one) comes to it
- cross that bridge when (one) gets there
- cross that bridge when (one) gets to it
- cross that bridge when one comes to it
- cross that bridge when you come to it
- if and when
- eat one’s hat
- eat one's hat
- eat your hat