

slang Feces. Especially used of and/or by young children. Is there caca in the potty? All right, I'll go empty it.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.


and kaka (ˈkɑkɑ)
1. n. dung; feces. (Juvenile. From Spanish. Usually objectionable.) There’s fresh caca in the front yard.
2. in. to defecate. (Juvenile. Usually objectionable.) Jimmy kakad in his diaper!
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • kaka
  • on one's
  • on someone's
  • out of one's
  • (I've) got to go
  • #dead
  • save someone's skin
  • (Have you) been OK?
  • (Well) I'll be a monkey's uncle!
  • other than
References in periodicals archive
Influencia da caca ilegal sobre mamiferos e aves das matas de tabuleiro do norte do estado do Espirito Santo.
Os egipcios antigos usavam diversas tecnicas e instrumentos de caca, tal como redes, armadilhas, arpao, arco e flecha, macas de guerra e mesmo bumerangues.
A analise de variancia (ANOVA) foi utilizada a 5% de probabilidade para verificar possiveis diferencas no [[delta].sup.13]C e [[delta].sup.15]N entre as comunidades rurais de Rancho da Caca e Riachinho e os centros urbanos de Mossoro e Natal.
Ac yna, wrth gwrs, fe geir rhaglenni newydd gyda'r hwyr o'r enw "Pethe Caca", i wyntyllu mewn ffordd ymhonus a deallus yr amryfal gaca sy'n cael eu gwobrwyo mewn sioeau ac eisteddfodau (arwyddair y rhaglen, fel y cwmni Pwps, fydd: "Mae eich busnes chi yn fusnes i ni!'").
He wonders by what criteria the official speakers have been selected, including also Margarita Caca Nikolovska, former judge at the European Court for Human Rights in Strasbourg, Slobodanka Jovanovska, a journalist of Utrinski vesnik, and Petar Stojkovik, a student activist, in addition to Jovanovski and Biljana Sekulovska, journalists of A1 TV, which no longer airs program.
Steven Hammell brought down Caca and while the referee didn't act, the linesman awarded a free-kick.
COCKY samba star Caca last night insisted Odense would have no trouble killing off Motherwell's Europa League dream.
"It's called The Clapham Academy For Dramatic Arts - that's CACA for short - and Murray, the man I play, is both pompous and foolish," explains Sir Ian, 70, who appears as the sinister Number Two in the remake of The Prisoner.
She is a poet who can cast into many realmsphilosophy iconography and theologywith poems unabashedly titled Dodos Caca and Philosopher Orders Crispy Pork.
Aalborg did manage one flurry, during which Kasper Risgard floated a free-kick over and Caca screwed a decent opportunity badly wide.
Caca forced a good save out of Shay Given as the Danes responded but Shaun Wright-Phillips made it 2-0 with a superb strike into the top corner.
Aalborg Caca 3-0, Curth 2-0, Augustinussen 2-0, Johansson 1-1, Enevoldsen 1-1, Saganowski 1-1
Para as populacoes indigenas o espaco que podem ocupar e aquele tambem constituido pela sazonalidade, demarcado pelas enchentes e vazantes, pelos territorios de caca, pelos espiritos.