happen along

happen along

To appear, arrive, pass, or come upon casually or by chance. I happened along a quaint new craft store the other day. I happened along your brother yesterday in the grocery store. If another tornado like that happens along any time soon, this town is done for!
See also: happen
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • famously
  • get along famously (with someone)
  • get on/along famously
  • come along
  • pound along
  • rip along
  • along with
  • along with something
  • do something on/along the way
  • along the way
References in periodicals archive
Now in a fully updated and revised second edition, "Spectacular Things Happen Along the Way: Lessons from an Urban Classroom" by Brian D.
"I love those sort of things that happen along the way and it put a really good feel factor into my mind as soon as I heard that," The Telegraph quoted Collingwood, as saying.
One of those euphoric rush pop moments that happen along so rarely.
Spectacular things happen along the way; lessons from an urban classroom.
"If it does happen it will be things that happen along the way.
Derek Randels latest book, "Attacking our Educators," explores how and why these attacks happen along with suggestions for what can be done to stop it.
Roy Cavanagh said: "We've said before that there is an accident waiting to happen along here.
In Spectacular Things Happen Along the Way, author Brian Schultz has written a narrative of his year-long journey teaching fifth grade at Carr Community Academy.
BY growing a small number of flowers, all the best allotment gardeners make space in their tightly packed empires of vegetables to ensure there is at least a glimmer of colour to brighten up any dark days that happen along. We are traditionalist in this area by growing dahlias and chrysanthemums for all-summer colour.
It's a pretty horrible thing to happen along here."
But it's the folding process--and the mistakes that can happen along the way--that is of most interest to biologists.
Mid and South Wales Safety Camera Partnership said people living in Wick believe an accident is waiting to happen along the St Brides Road (B4265).
In this six-part BBC1 series, his character Gary Scant embarks on a quest to find a soulmate - but funny things happen along the way, such as his brother's mission to lose his virginity.
Chief Insp Bird added: "We hope that by explaining what will happen along every step of the way, we will help to reassure potential witnesses."
Because really, you never know what's going to happen along the way."