

slang Behavior that is impressive and perhaps brave or defiant. A: "Wow, she just marched into the boss's office, demanded a raise, and got it." B: "I guess he was struck by her badassery."
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • a man/woman on a mission
  • get (one) where (one) lives
  • hit (one) where (one) lives
  • hit one where one lives
  • hit where you live
  • miss much
  • not miss much
  • not miss a thing
  • a man/woman with a mission
  • so still you could hear a pin drop
References in periodicals archive
The first song "Tarantula Hawk" is about a wasp that kills tarantulas but there is more badassery throughout.
While today's writers are being rightfully touted for their fearless work, they didn't invent badassery, and credit is due.
On Neflix, Sabrina the teenage witch came back to the small screen, and this time she was "chilling." Taisia Kitaiskaia and Katy Horan published Literary Witches, a collection of visionary women writers whom the authors deemed "figures of formidable creativity, empowerment, and general badassery." Virginia Woolf, Mira Bai, and Toni Morrison were among those included in this "coven."
In other words, it's not about the tech; it's about badassery, It's not about realism; it's about the action.
"She's just like, exuding her own brand of sensuality and sex and, like, badassery all at once.
So expect plenty of male gaze sexualising of female characters along with the badassery.
A recent essay in The Los Angeles Review of Books on the poet's "enduring badassery" by Lynn Melnick is a great start, and a long Wakoski poem recently appeared in Poetry magazine, her first in that preeminent journal in decades.
The Blood of Patriots: How I Took Down an Anti-Government Militia with Beer, Bounty Hunting, and Badassery is the true-life story of author, Army infantry veteran, and professional bounty hunter Bill Fulton.
This diverse profession is widely underappreciated, so OfficeNinjas is hosting a week-long recognition event called Admin Week that celebrates "administrative badassery" from April 24-28.
"Popstar" is overflowing with real-life rappers and other entertainers, all playing themselves, who appear in interview snippets to testify to Conner's badassery. They include Nas, 50 Cent, Questlove, Mariah Carey, Pharrell Williams, Ringo Starr, and even the eternally hard-to-please Simon Cowell.
The first mutant ever, a god worshipped since the dawn of civilization, the immortal Apocalypse is here and the trailer has him show some real badassery in the upcoming film.
Settled at the bench, we hoped the rifle would prove worthy of the American badassery the Stars and Stripes intrinsically exudes.
Unavoidable intimacy insulated with sheer grit: "even the wives of the 101st emit badassery." One of her characters, Elizabeth, describes Army wives as "buoyant." Stay afloat.
Jackson the godfather of badassery, namely turning around, taking a cool selfie, and posting it to Twitter.
Jack further shows us limeys how professional badassery is really done as he's outnumbered by heroin dealer "Basher" in a West Ealing council estate (or "housing project").