Big Mac attack

Big Mac attack

A craving for a Big Mac sandwich from McDonald's. The phrase gained popularity through its use in commercials. Let's go to McDonald's for dinner—I'm having a real Big Mac attack.
See also: attack, big, mac
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

Big Mac attack

n. a sudden and desperate need for a Big Mac sandwich, a product of the McDonald’s restaurant chain. (Big Mac is a protected trade name of McDonald’s.) I feel a Big Mac attack coming on!
See also: attack, big, mac
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • mac
  • I doubt it
  • I doubt it/that
  • I doubt that
  • hamburger
  • hamburgers
  • McDoc
  • McDocs
  • McDoctor
  • McDoctors
References in periodicals archive
Big Mac attack? I don't want to be uncool or unkind.
He looked at his girlfriend Stacy Keibler and said, 'You're not going to believe this, but I'm having a Big Mac attack!'
BIG MAC ATTACK: Johnny McIntosh was star of show' WENT DOWN FIGHTING: Attacker Paul Braniff
He hits Mickey D's after school--you get a Big Mac attack. How can you tell how much is too much?
"China's Big Mac Attack." Foreign Affairs, May/June 2000, 79(3), pp.
The incident has become known as the "Big Mac attack."
I READ with disbelief the story entitled "Big Mac Attack" (Sunday Mail, November 12).
Furthermore, short of being felled by a Big Mac attack, Clinton will be able to defend himself for decades to come, leading the charge to recover and bolster his own reputation (with the help of millions of post-White House federal dollars).
Russian citizens suffering from a Big Mac Attack crowded the streets at Alexander Pushkin Square and established a McDonald's opening day record of 30,000 meals served.
CUP OF JOY: Steve Brown celebrates after equalising for Wycombe during a thrilling Cup tie last night; BIG MAC ATTACK: Wycombe's Jermiane McSporran challenges Fulham keeper Maik Taylor
Beware the Big Mac attack! A McDonald's Big Mac carries a whopping 590 calories and 34 grams of fat.
There is another big MAC attack about to occur at the Capitol, and this time Rep.
I was very offended by the fact that a company that tries to help many charities and claims to give back would persecute one of its own, as McDonald's did with its lifelong employee Russell Rich ["Big Mac Attacks," April 16].
INDIA -- Shortly after a US lawyer filed suit against McDonald's for flavoring its fries with beef fat, Big Mac attacks erupted across India, the country with the world's largest population of vegetarians.