[7] Davidescu, Lucian, Banii de sub
scut, Romania libera, 04.05.2011.
Framing and authorial attitudes in Romanian opinion discourse on the strategic partnership between Romania and the United States
-- Scutellum with 6-8 marginal setae; with or without setulae on disc 2 2 Scutellum with 6 marginal setae (the pair between basals and subapicals are set medially; with or without a few short setae on disc); mtn pale 3 -- Scutellum with 8 marginal setae; with or without a few additional short setae on disc; if with 6 setae on
scut, then with short setae on disc and mtn dark 6 3 Scutellum without short setae on disc 4 -- Scutellum with short setae on disc; tergites with dark spots on lateral borders only, and these only on tg 3-6 sp.
A revision of Afrotropical Chyromyidae (excluding Gymnochiromyia Hendel) (Diptera: Schizophora), with the recognition of two subfamilies and the description of new genera
But in order to justify taking them out of the home they had to say that what they were doing was idiot work,
scut work.
Done & dusted; Alison Jones meets American author Cheryl Mendleson who believes that to enjoy living in the comfortable home that you have created, you need to master the art and science of good housekeeping
In addition to making information about internships available online to bolster recruiting, the company is strengthening its programs so that interns do less
scut work and have more opportunities to write page one stories and to understand how a newspaper operates.
Much of their time is consumed with "
scut" work--drawing blood, chasing down X-rays, moving patients around the hospital, and other grunt work.
Exhaustion that Kills
Though such research would require a lot of what Freed calls "genetic
scut work," the findings could enable scientists to use captive-breeding programs to produce generations of dis- ease-resistant birds, which eventually could be reintroduced into the wild.
Searching for hope in the family tree
Indeed, notes Steve Bromberg of EPA, assembling an emission inventory "is still really more of an art than a science." Ironically, most firms consider the inventories "
scut work" for junior engineers, notes Jim Price of the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission in Austin.
Industries tally air pollution poorly
Mothers wistfully admired their husbands' ability to romp freely with kids, a spontaneity Hays attributes to their willful rejection of parental
scut work.
The Cultural Contradictions of Motherhood
scutard as from
scut |tail of a hare', 51 see MED, 55 not yet available in MED and obscure (not in OED).
Nominalkomposita im Fruhmittelenglischen: Mit Ausblicken auf die Geschichte der englischen Nominalkomposition
Scut," as residents refer to these labors, is a time-honored residency tradition that saves hospitals and attending physicians millions of dollars a year.
Is this any way to train a doctor? Medical residencies: the next health-care crisis
Most fellows perform a substantial share of the
scut work of modern medicine, for example, by taking night and weekend call on a regular basis.
A pregnant fellow
Scut; 15 News; 14 Codeword: Eden; 13 Page; 12 Camp; 11 Talc; 10 Halt; 9 Rich; 8 Deer; 7 Heed; 6 Moth; bird.
Distance between apical scutellar setae 62% (78%) of that between apical and basal setae; basal scutellar setae divergent;
scut index = 1.11 (1.80, apical scutellar setae broken).
Tres especies nuevas del grupo Drosophila tripunctata (Diptera: Drosophilidae) en los Andes Orientales de Ecuador
9.15 (450m): Ardera Ramble, Ballymac Dahlia, Claymore Crash, Youngiftednblack (M), Rising Brook (M), Motto's
Scut (M).