
Related to bigly: Bitly


Significantly. The word gained popularity after Donald Trump was thought to have said it during a 2016 US presidential debate. Official transcripts of the debate rendered the word as "big league." A: "I can't support a candidate who promises to 'cut taxes bigly.'" B: "Yeah, I don't think that's what he said."
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
See also:
  • buzz word
  • false friend
  • MAGA
  • deplorable
  • crew
  • crew cut
  • weeaboo
  • nasty woman
  • dogsbody
  • mac
References in periodicals archive
A friend called in mid-March to say that he'd heard a landowner two miles from me had found Bigly's left shed.
In the words of the beloved Donald Trump, if you take this tide, you can "win bigly." (17) I have experienced such tides on a couple of occasions in my life and have been required to make a decision which seemed to reject or cast aside much of what I had accomplished at the time.
Is Big Brother about go to "bigly?" President-elect Donald Trump has many consumers and marketers concerned about online security.
"I'm going to cut taxes bigly and you're going to raise taxes bigly," he told Hillary.
The Republican Party is now close to abandoning support and - at last - Trump's Teflon coating seems to be He's actually begun to admit he might not win bigly in November after all.
Proprieties had become less rigid, Jane Morris had died in 1914, and May may well have wished to memorialize her father's magnanimous response to the affair as a mark of his ability to "think bigly and kindly." (5)
/ But gropers both through fields of thought confined / We stumble and we do not understand / You only saw your future bigly planned, / And we, the tapering paths of our own mind, / And in each other's dearest ways we stand / And hiss and hate.
Retail market sales should be $137 billion, says Jim Smith, but trade just isn't thinking bigly or boldly enough.
Continue reading "Why Trump Should Be Thanking Roseanne Bigly" at...
Trump has again misspoken bigly. No non-Christian will miss Billy G - a person who epitomized hypocrisy, let alone racism and bigotry.
If only he had wanted to make America "bigly" again, then his work could be well on the way to completion.
James Ondigo, the current head honcho at Muthaiga, has to step up to the plate "bigly" and deliver a memorable year opener. tweeted "Well, actually bigly IS a real word, whether @RealDonaldTrump said it or not.
And can it be just a happy coincidence that Trump and his family would benefit 'bigly' from this plan?