How might understanding how different dog breeds relate through their DNA help scientists
find ways to improve canine health?
Paw prints: how scientists use DNA to learn about the past, present, and future of dog breeds
As Myernick tells it, sometimes you have to
find ways to take your mind off your pain--"that tendonitis that all the girls have in the same ankle from running in a 'Snow' circle for 40 shows in a row." She swears, however, that the thing that gets her through The Nutcracker every year is her beloved Mariah Carey Christmas album.
Going nuts: dancers can develop strange rituals by the umpteenth Nutcracker performance
Strategic planning is needed to better understand why this is so and to
find ways to address it.
Strategic planning: establishing need and clarifying motivation
This is achieved through profiles of scientists, engineers, and academicians who
find ways to avert danger through a variety of techniques.
Safe: the Race to Protect Ourselves in a Newly Dangerous World
The commission was created by Archbishop Rowan Williams to
find ways of maintaining "the highest degree of communion possible" in the Anglican Communion, which is composed of 38 self-governing provinces in 164 countries.
Report urges 'expressions of regret': blessings moratorium suggested
He has stated a willingness to
find ways to use all recycled materials, including recycled concrete as roadbase, and has shown an openness to listen to new ideas and to
find ways to properly use recycled products in roadwork.
Striving for more: C&D recyclers are learning how to market greater varieties of material
Hutslar shows how to
find ways to understand and benefit from those difficulties.
But why not err on the side of caution and seek to
find ways to terminate pregnancies in the most humane ways possible for both the woman and the fetus?
Religious left
She works with unmotivated, stressed-out or over-worked entrepreneurs, teachers, health-care professionals, government bureaucrats and small business owners to
find ways to boost morale, increase productivity and bring some fun back into their professional lives.
Coach helps others find balance
Correcting these misperceptions is the goal of a group of American educators who went straight to the source to team more about the Middle East and
find ways to incorporate this information into their teaching.
Toward a better understanding: Middle Eastern enlightenment from the source
Part Four, Charting a Common Course, challenges our society and public land managers to
find ways to respect tribal needs while honoring those of established religions by managing sacred sites for "mutual accommodation of intercultural differences."
Worship and wilderness; Culture, religion, and law in public lands management by Lloyd Burton
They have taught social studies and geometry and still managed to
find ways to hold the fleeting attention span of students in a classroom.
Counselors are teachers
So Bolivians--and Brazilians and Argentines--are calling ap Chile's Arica port to
find ways to get "Made in Chile" stamped on their goods.
Big and small
"We challenge all churches, parishes, congregations, and people of good will to
find ways and means to expose and eradicate anti-Semitism within and from Canadian society.
Canadian letter on anti-Semitism
But he had to
find ways to do this so that unpredictable eruptions of homophobia might not harm these causes.
What he overcame: a fine new biography tells the story of Bayard Rustin, the great, gay hero of the American civil rights movement