I tell her she's bad for lying about Daddy being a
crackhead, and I have my face smacked so hard I see flashes.
how strange that ludicrous
crackhead Phil Mitchell marked the historic departure of his fire-damaged mother by turning into a pirate.
Peg legs it off set; BRITAIN'S TOP TV CRITIC
This doesn't come as a complete surprise, considering that Reich once eked out a living doing sketch comedy, appearing in TV commercials ("I played a
crackhead in an anti-drug commercial") and playing guitar for spare change in New York subway terminals.
Chicken soup for the soul: anarcho punker Athena Reich does the poultry squawk
He told her relatives she had run off to live in Wakefield with a "
Man murdered lover says jury
The difference today, after the application of such stigmatizing labels as "undeserving poor," "lumpenproletariat," "family pathology," and--the current favorite--an "underclass" consisting entirely of welfare mothers,
crackhead dads, and wolfpack kids, is that our culture not only measures everybody by his or her ability to produce wealth but morally condemns anyone who fails to prosper, under the twisted-sister sign of a theology of greed.
Slumming: Sexual and Social Politics in Victorian London
But Parfitt - who had once described himself as a "raging
crackhead" - was not deemed a priority offender by probation staff and his assigned officer said she was satisfied if he was simply turning up for tests.
Mistakes that led to death of a PC
Occupying a fragile center stage is Cody (Thomas Jefferson Byrd, in a tremendous perf), a onetime jazz trumpeter, husband and father who has long since abdicated all those roles, spiraling down to his current status as just another "lost" downtown
crackhead. He sleeps in a nearby shanty with fellow addicts, spending days shooting the breeze -- and a lot of pipe-dream b.s.
There's the voodoo woman who is prone to sticking dolls with pins; the old woman who is hard of hearing and eats dog food; the philosophical
crackhead; the kid who is so obese that his parents put a sign around his neck asking people not to feed him.
Television's Black Humor
If you're a 21-year-old
crackhead that's your responsibility, that ain't Frank's.
Malice toward nuns
O'Sullivan, who was described as a '
crackhead' at his trial, finally called paramedics after Mason had died.
Killer beat toddler so hard that faeces leaked into stomach as mum did nothing; Mason Lee, from Caboolture, near Brisbane, Australia, suffered pain, fever, vomiting and dehydration in his final days
You'll see a tech dude on an electric skateboard riding past
crackheads or you'll see a
crackhead walking around with an electric skateboard that they stole.
Useless eaters
You f*** little
crackhead. Come over here so I can f*** you up some more.
Woman films own attack on victim
Washington, Dec 25 (ANI): A guest on popular American television channel Fox News passed indecent comments on President Barack Obama, suggesting "he looks like a skinny ghetto
Fox News' guest calls Obama 'skinny, ghetto crackhead'
SHE'S been a school bully and a
crackhead, but Holly Matthews has no qualms being TV's favourite bad girl.
WHY TELLY BAD GIRL HOLL'S ON THE RUN; TV bad girl Holly Matthews is now on the run in Coventry after turning over a new leaf. TV WRITER MARION MCMULLEN finds out why Holly is taking her new challenge in her stride.: BYKER GIRL: POUNDING CITY STREETS: Holly's in training for new challenge: BYKER GIRL POUNDING CITY STREETS
THIS horrific new close-up of
crackhead Pete Doherty proves how years of drug abuse have taken their toll.