
  • (all) skin and bones
  • (but) not in the biblical sense
  • (but) still and all
  • (but) that's another story
  • a man can die but once
  • a poor thing but mine own
  • a wonder lasts but nine days
  • all but
  • all in the Kool-Aid but don't know the flavor
  • all over but the shouting
  • all over but the shouting, it's
  • all very fine
  • all very well
  • all very well/fine but...
  • an oldie but (a) goodie
  • anything but
  • beg your pardon, but
  • begging your pardon, but (something)
  • Better late than never
  • bloodied but unbowed
  • bloody but unbowed
  • born on third base but believes (one) hit a triple
  • but for
  • but for (someone)
  • but for (something)
  • but for somebody/something
  • but for the grace of God
  • but good
  • but hey
  • but me no buts
  • but seriously, folks
  • but that's just me
  • but then
  • but who's counting
  • But, hey
  • but-boy
  • can but
  • cannot but
  • cannot choose but
  • cannot help but
  • can't but
  • can't help
  • can't help but (do something)
  • can't help but do
  • can't help but notice (that) (something)
  • Christmas comes but once a year
  • close but no cigar
  • close but no cigar, (it was)
  • close, but no cigar
  • dictated but not read
  • everything but the kitchen sink
  • everything but/bar the kitchen sink
  • everything from soup to nuts
  • far be it from (one) to (do something)
  • far be it from me to do something, but...
  • feel for
  • fire is a good servant but a bad master
  • gone but not forgotten
  • he who begins many things finishes but few
  • He who begins many things, finishes but few
  • Hope for the best and prepare for the worst
  • hope for the best but expect the worst
  • hope is a good breakfast but a bad supper
  • I beg your pardon, but (something)
  • I believe you, (but) thousands wouldn't
  • I could tell you but then I’d have to kill you
  • I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you
  • I don't want to alarm you, but
  • I don't want to sound like a busybody, but
  • I don't want to upset you, but
  • I know you are but what am I?
  • ifs and/or buts
  • ifs, ands, or buts
  • I'm not being funny, but...
  • in all but name
  • it is not work that kills, but worry
  • it never rains but it pours
  • it's all over but the shouting
  • it's not what you know but who you know
  • it's one thing to (do something), it's another to (do something else)
  • last but not least
  • Little thieves are hanged, but great ones escape
  • Little thieves are hanged, but great ones escape.
  • lose the battle, but win the war
  • man proposes, but God disposes
  • Many are called but few are chosen
  • many are called, but few are chosen
  • March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb
  • mills of the gods grind slowly(, but they grind exceedingly fine)
  • mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken
  • naughty but nice
  • never marry for money, but marry where money is
  • no buts (about it)
  • no ifs and buts (about it)
  • no ifs or buts
  • no ifs or buts (about it)
  • no ifs, ands, or buts (about it)
  • no ifs, ands, or buts and no buts about it
  • none but the brave deserve the fair
  • not only (something), but (also) (something else)
  • not only... but...
  • not with a bang but a whimper
  • not with a bang but with a whimper
  • nothing but
  • nothing but skin and bones
  • nothing but skin and bones and skin and bones
  • nothing is certain but death and taxes
  • nothing is certain but the unforeseen
  • nothing so bad but (it) might have been worse
  • Nothing so bad but might have been worse
  • oldie but goodie
  • opportunity knocks but once
  • pert near, but not plumb
  • poor but clean
  • put your faith in God, but keep your powder dry
  • put your trust in God, but keep your powder dry
  • sadder and/but wiser
  • sadder but wiser
  • same same, but different
  • separate but equal
  • short but sweet
  • silent but deadly
  • skin and bones
  • skin and bones, (nothing but)
  • slow but sure
  • slowly but surely
  • speech is silver, but silence is golden
  • spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, the
  • sticks and stones may break my bones (but words will never hurt me)
  • sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me
  • sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me
  • take a licking but keep on ticking
  • talk the talk and walk the walk
  • thanks but no thanks
  • thanks, but no thanks
  • the best of men are but men at best
  • the cat would eat fish, but would not wet her feet
  • the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on
  • the lights are on but no one is at home
  • the lights are on but nobody's home
  • the lights are on, but no one's home
  • the lights are on, but nobody's home
  • the mills of God grind slowly(, but they grind exceedingly fine)
  • the mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken
  • the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
  • The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak
  • the spirit is willing, but the/(one's) body is weak
  • the spirit is willing, but the/(one's) flesh is weak
  • the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth
  • the young may die, but the old must die
  • then again
  • There but for the grace of God
  • there but for the grace of God (go I)
  • there but for the grace of God go I
  • there's nothing (else) for it (but to do something)
  • to name (but) a few
  • trust in Allah, but tie up your camel
  • trust in God, but keep your powder dry
  • trust in God, but tie up your camel
  • trust, but verify
  • wear nothing but a smile
  • wearing nothing but a smile
  • what do I know
  • Where are the snows of yesteryear?
  • win the battle, but lose the war
  • you can dish it out, but you can't take it
  • you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink
  • you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink
  • you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink
  • you can run, but you can't hide
  • you can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink
  • you can take/lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink
  • young men may die, but old men must die
References in classic literature
But it was an obstinate pair of shoulders; they could not seem to learn the trick of stooping with any sort of deceptive naturalness.
But lord, it was only just words, words -- they meant nothing in the world to him, I might just as well have whistled.
Dead people might talk, maybe, but they don't come sliding around in a shroud, when you ain't noticing, and peep over your shoulder all of a sudden and grit their teeth, the way a ghost does.
"Yes, but, Huck, ghosts don't travel around only at night.
But the singular appearance of his companion and his attendants, arrested their attention and excited their wonder, and they could scarcely attend to the Prior of Jorvaulx' question, when he demanded if they knew of any place of harbourage in the vicinity; so much were they surprised at the half monastic, half military appearance of the swarthy stranger, and at the uncouth dress and arms of his Eastern attendants.
``Two of the humblest servants of Mother Church!'' repeated Wamba to himself, but, fool as he was, taking care not to make his observation audible; ``I should like to see her seneschals, her chief butlers, and other principal domestics!''
His mother's suggestion about Dinah's feeling towards Adam was not quite a new thought to Seth, but her last words alarmed him, lest she should herself undertake to open Adam's eyes.
Thee'st no right to say what Dinah's feelings are if she hasna told thee, and it 'ud do nothing but mischief to say such things to Adam.
"No, nothing's happened yet, but it's going to, blame quick.
You're marrying a whiskey-soak, but your husband won't be that.
Though he dined out every day, and was lodged for the last nine years at the cost of the State, and driven about in the minister's equipage, des Lupeaulx possessed absolutely nothing, at the time when our tale opens, but thirty thousand francs of debt--undisputed property.
But if one looks at men in all ways--are there many good ones left?
Every halfpenny I possess is stolen money; but it has been stolen legally, and, what is of some practical importance to you, I have no means of restoring it to the rightful owners even if I felt inclined to.
D'Artagnan advanced as far as the middle of the room, and seeing that the king paid no attention to him, and suspecting, besides, that this was nothing but affectation, a sort of tormenting preamble to the explanation that was preparing, he turned his back on the prince, and began to examine the frescoes on the cornices, and the cracks in the ceiling.
'Without doubt.' returned Kim; 'but he is no man of India that I have ever seen.'