An abbreviation for "Baby, it's cold outside," a phrase used to comment on cold weather or temperatures, referring to the Frank Loesser song of the same name. Ooh, BICO—turn up the heat!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.

Baby it’s cold outside

and BICO
sent. & comp. abb. It’s cold. (From a popular, midcentury song.) Temp’s about 20. BICO! Zip up your overcoat, baby it’s cold outside.
See also: baby, cold, outside


See Baby it’s cold outside
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
See also:
  • Baby it’s cold outside
  • baby, it's cold outside
  • take (one's) death (of cold)
  • catch (one's) death (of cold)
  • catch death
  • catch one's death (of cold)
  • catch your death
  • cold snap
  • brass monkeys
  • be (as) cold as ice
References in periodicals archive
Algumas pecas ou fragmentos fitomorfos e do tipo "bico de ave" do Conjunto Tlamimilolpa examinadas por nos apresentaram um elemento que confirmam nossa suspeita: entre as listras vermelhas sobre um fundo branco, e possivel observar o desenho do glifo "jade" (chalchihuitl)--simbolo inequivoco de vida e fertilidade.
"This is a very strong validation of our business model within the apartment management community," said Richard Greenwood, CEO of BICO.
bico MB fabrics show great potential as unique products.
On its website, BiCo says the car park operation - run in partnership with the Flanagan Group business - is a "simple resolution to a complex issue, creating a sustainable local economy that both addresses the frequent problem of the lack of parking facilities on match days; and gives back to the local community in the form of profits".
Aquino, Bico and Montoya filed their complaints with the police, which filed charges of physical injury, malicious mischief and alarm and scandal against Pavolotskiy.
The ES FiberVisions new Soft Bico is based on polypropylene/polyethylene bicomponent fibers containing new chemistries to provide built-in softness, durable hydrophilicity and wettability.
For the vegetative stage, [r.sub.max,v] rates were similar for the 'Cinquentinha' and 'BRS Planalto' cultivars, and the 'Bico de ouro' cultivar did not differ from the 'AS 1573PRO' cultivar, which in turn did not differ from the 'BRS Planalto' cultivar (Table 3).
Reynaldo Bico, 48, captain of fishing boat 'Anna Marie,' said he was doubtful that the Chinese coast guards would leave the shoal should the Philippines win the UN case.
Os artigos internacionais mencionaram a tecnica de SNN com bico sintetico e a estimulacao sensorio-motora-oral como mais presentes na estimulacao de neonatos pre-termo.
O Estado do Tocantins pertence a Amazonia Legal e sua regiao mais ao norte e denominada Bico do Papagaio.
No presente trabalho o pulverizador empregado mostrou-se pequeno em relacao a cultura--1,55 m de altura para o bico mais alto e 2,00 m de altura media das plantas, o que pode ter contribuido com os resultados encontrados.
Na ocasiao, Chimendes apresenta desenhos em bico de pena, ligados ao tema da guerra, em tracos fortes que exploram volumes e contrastes com o branco do papel.
Sc em Producao Vegetal no Semi-arido -UNIMONTES, Avenida Reinaldo Viana, 2.630, Bico da Pedra, CP 91, CEP: 39440-000--Janauba/MG, Brasil.
As especies de psitacideos tem bico alto e recurvado, tendo uma cera na base do mesmo.