Bit of a bombshell for health czars and Mockney chef Jamie Oliver, but kids have, and will, always
eat crap. Residents of a certain age waddled into adulthood on a diet of warm Tizer and batter bits.
Should take the 's' out of fast food
Bit of a bombshell for Birmingham's health czars and Mockney chef Jamie Oliver, but kids have, and will, always
eat crap. Birmingham residents of a certain age waddled into adulthood on a diet of warm Tizer and batter bits.
At least the Billy Bunters of today don't have to eat pink custard and aqua peas at school dinner time; OPINION MIKE LOCKLEY THE FUNNY SIDE OF LIFE... BY OUR HICK FROM THE STICKS!
"When you feel crap, you
eat crap and then you spiral out of control.
Size 24 mum who shed seven stone after quitting crisp addiction strips off for burlesque-themed photoshoot; Becci Berry piled on three stone in just eight months after bingeing on 120 packets a month
You can't
eat crap food and put miracle cream the following morning and expect to see change.
Why Jennifer Aniston and Kate Moss are big fans of this organic beauty brand
In this light I have no respect for the strange-rangers who are loaded up and prepped for the apocalypse, but who never exercise and who
eat crap. After all, poor heart health is a far greater threat than a Mad Max type post-apocalyptic societal breakdown.
Tactical: it's all in your head
You have to make people think they are immoral for letting their kids
eat crap. Do you think Michelle lets Sasha and Malia buy giant bags of Cheetos?
Has Michelle Obama gone too far in her crusade against childhood obesity?
Personal pride will dictate neither takes it easy in Gateshead, but when her season ends, Ohurougu will seek simple pleasures, saying: "I'd like to finish my season first, then have my break when you can do whatever you like -
eat crap or whatever.
Golden girl ready for Gateshead; Christine Ohuruogu and Natasha Danvers can expect a heroes' welcome in Gateshead tomorrow but both are determined to take no notice
This obsession, rife among the middle-classes as well as in lower socio-economic environs, dictates that we buy crap, we
eat crap, and the crap we don't eat (because it's crap), we throw away with the rest of the crap.
AGENDA: Whalemeat again, don't know where, don't know ..
He laments the fact that ordinary Americans
eat crap, and he frequently returns to the dubious claim that intensive local organic farms produce more calories per acre than industrial cornfields.
How the upper crust eats: food as a status symbol
Puncture that myth and you realize that it's an industrial farm where there's only corn or only lettuce and it's sprayed with pesticides, and all these pigs live in this tiny space, never get to touch the ground,
eat crap all day, and they can't even turn around.
Richard Linklater: grazed and abused
THERE ARE WHEEL-SIZED drainage holes near the bottom of the ditch and if you do a trick and then roll over one and don't
eat crap then everybody who is watching always goes, "Oooooohhhhhhhhhhh."
15 things you couldn't give any less of a crap about: my favorite ditch in the whole world
Eat crap in packets and you'll feel like a packet of crap.
50 WAYS TO LIVE TO BE 100; 'Wear the sexiest, flimsiest, most outrageous underwear you can find'
Mine goes back almost 40 years and I haven't murdered millions or made them
eat crap chicken.
These tashists
"I used to smoke pounds 200 worth of weed a week, that's two ounces, which is disgusting, and it made me
eat crap food on impulse.
They are fat and unhealthy because they
eat crap, booze too much and don't exercise.
Shape Up: I used to feel like a slug. Now I'm full of energy; POP STAR BRYAN McFADDEN ON HOW HE GOT HIS LIFE BACK BY SHEDDING TWO STONE