Will executives be expected to
defer a portion of their current income, or will the association use additional assets to fund the deferrals?
Pay me later: how deferred compensation works for top association executives
In general, a plan is considered to
defer an item of compensation if the (1) service provider has--either by means of providing services or otherwise--a legally binding right to the funds during the current tax year and (2) compensation is payable in a subsequent tax year.
Deferred compensation for executives under sec. 409A
You may
defer taxable income by purchasing certain certificates of deposit or U.S.
Last-minute tax tips: are you ready for April 15?
The effect of these adjustments is to
defer the recognition of this income to future years.
Deferring DOI income and resulting tax
The principal one is to allow a select group of executives to
defer income beyond the limits imposed by Congress on qualified plans.
Keep executives happy: nonqualified plans may be an effective way to overcome retirement plan restrictions and reduced contribution amounts
We believe that a terminable-at-will employee should properly be able to elect to
defer future, unearned compensation at any time prior to the period for which the compensation is earned.
Rev. proc. 92-64 and rev. proc. 92-65 relating to rabbi trusts
This treatment enabled the rabbi to
defer income, even though the funds were subject to forfeiture in the event the employer became insolvent.
Nonqualified deferred compensation plans backed by rabbi trusts are gaining popularity
Thus, the temporary regulations provide that if a parent company enters into a long-term contract required to be accounted for under the percentage-of-completion method, any subsidiary supplying goods and services to the parent in connection with that contract must report its income under the percentage-of-completion method and cannot
defer gain under Treas.
Comments on temporary regulations under section 1502 relating to intercompany transactions and distributions of property
In both cases, the taxpayers used local cotton ginners as agents to
defer income from their crops to the year after they were harvested and sold to buyers.
Barriers to the application of the constructive receipt doctrine
The difference is that current-year earnings of an RRSP or RRIF need to be reported on Form 1040, unless an affirmative election is made to
defer tax until funds are distributed.
U.S. reporting requirements for Canadian RRSPs/RRIFs
Defer to a future year the actual payout to the shareholder-owners.
Nonqualified deferred compensation agreements
Editor's Note: At the September 28, 1988, meeting of the FASB, the Board tentatively concluded to issue an exposure draft of a Statement that would
defer the effective date of Statement 96 for one year.
Implementation of FAS 96: temporary differences - scheduling and reversals
A corporation that sells a subsidiary can
defer the tax on its gain by structuring an installment sale that consists of a debt instrument issued by the purchaser.
Painless tax deferral when selling a subsidiary
Q A taxpayer elects to
defer part of his or her board-of-director under a nonqualified deferred compensation plan.
Small business tax solutions
Pretax deferral and tax deferred growth of contributions allow executives limited by the pretax dollars they can contribute to 401(k) plans to
defer additional pretax earnings.
New life insurance strategies